英文原版 SAP-ABAP参考书,英国Packt出版社发行,是大家学习掌握ABAP语言的好帮手。
2021-09-23 15:49:57 21.9MB SAP
Go编程手册-第二版 这是Packt发布的《 的代码库。 超过85种配方,可跨多个领域构建模块化,可读性和可测试的Golang应用程序 这本书是关于什么的? Go(或Golang)是Google开发的一种静态类型的编程语言。它以其庞大的标准库而闻名,它还提供诸如垃圾收集,类型安全,动态键入功能以及其他内置类型之类的功能。本书将在实现Go功能以构建自己的应用程序时作为参考。 本书涵盖以下激动人心的功能: 处理第三方Go项目并对其进行修改以供使用 使用现代最佳实践编写Go代码 使用新的Go模块系统管理您的依赖项 解决在处理后端系统或DevOps时遇到的常见问题 探索Go标准库及其使用测试,分析和微调Go应用程序 如果您觉得这本书适合您,请立即获取! 说明和导航 所有代码都组织在文件夹中。例如,Chapter02。 该代码将如下所示: b, err := iou
2021-09-22 13:41:42 1.45MB Go
ADempiere 3.6 Cookbook
2021-09-21 08:41:47 6.45MB ADempiere 3.6 Cookbook
2021-09-20 17:25:32 5.49MB 大数据 python 智普教育 data
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. “With his YouTube channel, Mitch’s VR Lab, Mitch has helped thousands of people understand the foundations of locomotion and interaction mechanics with clear and concise UE4 videos. I’m thrilled that he has taken the time to bring all his knowledge and experience in working with Unreal Engine and Virtual Reality to the Unreal? Engine VR Cookbook…. Mitch is uniquely qualified to share this book with the world.” —Luis Cataldi, Unreal Engine Education, Epic Games, Inc. For game developers and visualization specialists, VR is the next amazing frontier to conquer—and Unreal Engine 4 is the ideal platform to conquer it with. Unreal ? Engine VR Cookbook is your complete, authoritative guide to building stunning experiences on any Unreal Engine 4-compatible VR hardware. Renowned VR developer and instructor Mitch McCaffrey brings together best practices, common interaction paradigms, specific guidance on implementing these paradigms in Unreal Engine, and practical guidance on choosing the right approaches for your project. McCaffrey’s tested “recipes” contain step-by-step instructions, while empowering you with concise explanations of the underlying theory and math. Whether you’re creating first-person shooters or relaxation simulators, the techniques McCaffrey explains help you get immediate results, as you gain “big picture” knowledge and master nuances that will help you succeed with any genre or project. Understand basic VR concepts and terminology Implement VR logic with Blueprint visual scripting Create basic VR projects with Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, Gear VR, Google VR, PSVR, and other environments Recognize and manage differences between seated and standing VR experiences Set up trace interactions and teleportation Work with UMG and 2D UIs Implement character inverse kinematics (IK) for head and hands Define ef
2021-09-20 13:09:02 26.79MB Unreal VR 电子书
MySQL 8.0 的发布是MySQL 发展历史上的一个重要里程碑,也是开源数据库领域内的一个大事件。针对这个版本,MySQL 官方团队做了太多的工作,从查询优化到集群架构,从参数调整到特性支持,MySQL 都有了革命性的变化。《MySQL 8 Cookbook(中文版)》基于MySQL 8.0,以基础知识为入手点,以讲解技术特性为目标,以案例作为理论的补充。
2021-09-20 11:11:50 206.41MB MYSQL8
Pandas Cookbook 英文无水印原版pdf pdf所有页面使用FoxitReader、PDF-XChangeViewer、SumatraPDF和Firefox测试都可以打开 本资源转载自网络,如有侵权,请联系上传者或csdn删除 查看此书详细信息请在美国亚马逊官网搜索此书
2021-09-20 09:21:08 21.2MB Pandas Cookbook
专注于讲解 HLSL 的书籍,重点在 HLSL 以及源码,关于 DirectX 的篇幅很少
2021-09-13 16:55:03 45.62MB HLSL
Apache Camel Cookbook
2021-09-13 10:50:07 3.27MB Apache Camel Cookbook
包含所有可以找到的关于OpenCV 2 Computer Vision Application Programming Cookbook的资料。官方高清电子书,配套代码,实验所需要图片。免积分奉上,欢迎下载。opencv资源还很少,大家加油
2021-09-12 10:36:27 9.92MB opencv cookbook 源码 pdf