云计算(Cloud Computing ):是分布式处理(Distributed Computing)、并行处理(Parallel Computing)和网格计算(Grid Computing)的发展,或者说是这些计算机科学概念的商业实现。是指基于互联网的超级计算模式--即把存储于个人电脑、移动电话和其他设备上的大量信息和处理器资源集中在一起,协同工作。在极大规模上可扩展的信息技术能力向外部客户作为服务来提供的一种计算方式。
2021-09-24 10:17:18 2.88MB 云计算 分布式处理 并行处理 网格计算
量子计算 [ ]( ) 该项目旨在从头开始构建量子计算机仿真器,包括支持量子计算机的所有数学基础。 由于我使用自己的模块来处理复数,因此效率极低。 但是,通过使用is_hermitian()或normalize()方法来创建复杂的矩阵对象,可以使我们轻松地理解量子计算中的基础数学。 要求 Python3 用于量子计算机汇编语言的词法和句法分析器。 (可选),用于复杂矩阵的冷打印。 用法 运行pip3 install -r requirements.txt来安装需求。 从项目的根目录中,键入python3 qsimulator/qparse.py 。 这将启动一个具有9个量子位的16个寄存器的量子计算机,并提示需要指令的shell。 昆腾计算机内部状态 您可以从外壳调用STATUS来查看量子寄存器和量子变量的当前内部值。 请注意,这是不一样的调用指令的措施。 状态指令将显示量子
2021-09-23 19:18:48 25KB Python
The Elements of Computing Systems Building a Modern Computer from First Principles 英文epub 本资源转载自网络,如有侵权,请联系上传者或csdn删除 查看此书详细信息请在美国亚马逊官网搜索此书
2021-09-21 23:46:16 4.26MB Elements Computing Systems Building
This book is the culmination of over a decade of teaching of a newly designed umbrella course on visual computing that would provide students with funda- mentals in the different areas of computer graphics, computer vision and image processing. Looking back, this was a very forward looking curriculum which be- came the launching pad for all computer graphics, computer vision and image processing students at UCI and helped future new faculty hires in this direction to count on this course to provide exposure to fundamentals that are common to all these domains. This course is a core entry-level course in the graduate curriculum providing students the opportunity to explore a larger breadth be- fore moving on to more focused channels of computer graphics, computer vision and/or image processing. It is also being adopted as one of the core courses for our professional masters degree program which began in Fall 2017. Interestingly, the research community has also followed this trend since 2006 when we started to see researchers from one of the domains of computer graphics, computer vision and image processing having strong presence in others leading to a young and dynamic research sub-community that traverses all these domains with equal dexterity. Therefore, having a breadth of knowledge in the general area of visual computing is perceived today as a strength that helps students delve easily into inter-disciplinary domains both within CS and other domains where it is being extensively used.
2021-09-21 09:31:35 116.28MB Vision Graphics Image Processing
边缘计算代码 边缘计算是在生成数据的网络边缘附近处理数据的做法,而不是在集中式数据处理仓库中。 这个 repos 提供了边缘计算中提议算法的更好实现(它可能与原始算法不同)。 公告:原 repos: Implementation_of_MEC_papers已弃用。 UIC18 文件夹UIC18包含以下论文的代码: Hailiang Zhao 、Wei Du、Wei Liu、Tao Lei 和 Qiwang Lei, QoE Aware and Cell Capacity Enhanced Computation Offloading for Multi-Server Mobile Edge Computing Systems with Energy Harvesting Devices。 在:第 15 届 IEEE 无处不在智能与计算国际会议 (UIC'18) 的论文集,中国广州,2
VNC (Virtual Network Computing)是虚拟网络计算机的缩写。VNC 是一款优秀的远程控制工具软件,由著名的 AT&T 的欧洲研究实验室开发的。VNC 是在基于 UNIX 和 Linux 操作系统的免费的开源软件,远程控制能力强大,高效实用,其性能可以和 Windows 和 MAC 中的任何远程控制软件媲美。 在 Linux 中,VNC 包括以下四个命令:vncserver,vncviewer,vncpasswd,和 vncconnect。大多数情况下我只需要其中的两个命令:vncserver 和 vncviewer。
2021-09-19 11:46:21 682KB VNC
Scientific computing is the study of how to use computers effectively to solve problems that arise from the mathematical modeling of phenomena in science and engineering. It is based on mathematics, numerical and symbolic/algebraic computations and visualization. This book serves as an introduction to both the theory and practice of scientific computing, with each chapter presenting the basic algorithms that serve as the workhorses of many scientific codes; we explain both the theory behind these algorithms and how they must be implemented in order to work reliably in finite-precision arithmetic. The book includes many programs written in Matlab and Maple – Maple is often used to derive numerical algorithms, whereas Matlab is used to implement them. The theory is developed in such a way that students can learn by themselves as they work through the text. Each chapter contains numerous examples and problems to help readers understand the material “hands-on”.
2021-09-16 23:30:29 6.92MB maple matlab
本文档主要介绍如何在普通pc机上安装Fusion Compute。适合学习华为云计算的爱好者和工程师进行学习参考。包括Fusion ComputeD的安装简介,如何使用,如何测试,参数如何配置。
2021-09-16 16:24:22 2.55MB 云计算 Fusioncompute 华为云
IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing是属于中科院分区,文档包含了期刊简介,历年的影响因子和投稿数量。
2021-09-14 13:41:16 192KB sci期刊 TAC IEEE
Cloud Computing Concepts and Practices 英文无水印原版pdf pdf所有页面使用FoxitReader、PDF-XChangeViewer、SumatraPDF和Firefox测试都可以打开 本资源转载自网络,如有侵权,请联系上传者或csdn删除 查看此书详细信息请在美国亚马逊官网搜索此书
2021-09-10 14:46:45 9.57MB Cloud Computing Concepts Practices