Adobe InDesign CS 2 ACE Exam认证考试题库
Prowith Adobe LiveCycle Designer ACE Exam认证考试题库
2021-05-29 17:33:25 2.15MB Sql格式化 JS格式化 Ace
Ace Utilities 是一款备受好评的专业级系统清理优化工具,适用于数以万计个应用程序的MRU历史记录清理程序,能帮助广大Windows用户安全又彻底的清理包括系统垃圾、注册表冗余和碎片残留、浏览器历史记录、重复文件、不必要的磁盘空间占用等因素在内的导致系统运行效率降低的各种问题,此外Ace Utilities还具有实用的磁盘分析功能、启动项管理以及强悍的数据安全擦除功能,彻底删除敏感数据,让Windows系统运行更加流畅和稳定,快马加鞭,想知道系统优化工具有哪些吗,快试试Ace Utilities吧,更多系统优化软件请点击查看威航软件园为大家精心整理的系统优化软件合集吧。
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2021-05-26 21:00:41 7.54MB ace-admin 1.3.5 最新 bootstrap
Automatic Color Enhancement "ACE" is an effective method for color image enhancement introduced by Gatta, Rizzi, and Marini based on modeling several low level mechanisms of the human visual system. The direct computation of ACE on an NxN image costs O(N4) operations. This article describes two fast approximations of ACE. First, the algorithm of Bertalmío, Caselles, Provenzi, and Rizzi uses a polynomial approximation of the slope function to decomposes the main computation into convolutions, reducing the cost to O(N2 log N). Second, an algorithm based on interpolating intensity levels also reduces the main computation to convolutions. The use of ACE for image enhancement and color correction is demonstrated.
2021-05-25 20:56:45 69KB ACE