PCIE3.0 U.2协议规范,SFF-8639 版本4.0。描述相关接口通信协议,接口描述,接口定义,请需要的小伙伴自行下载,
2021-04-23 10:01:08 1.73MB 协议规范 V4.0 PCIE U.2
SDP也是MMUSIC工作组的一个产品,在MBONE内容中用得很多。其目的就是在媒体会话中,传递媒体流信息,允许会话描述的接收者去参与会话。SDP基本上在internet上工作。他定义了绘画描述的统一格式,但并不定义多播地址的分配和SDP消息的传输,也不支持媒体编码方案的协商,这些功能均由下层传送协议完成.典型的会话传送协议包括:SAP(Session Announcement Protocol 会话公告协议),SIP,RTSP,HTTP,和使用MIME的E-Mail.(注意:对SAP只能包含一个会话描述,其它会话传诵协议的SDP可包含多个绘画描述)
2021-04-22 11:06:54 54KB VOIP
The Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI) specification was developed to establish industry common interfaces enabling robust operating system (OS)-directed motherboard device configuration and power management of both devices and entire systems. ACPI is the key element in Operating System-directed configuration and Power Management (OSPM). ACPI evolved the existing pre-ACPI collection of power management BIOS code, Advanced Power Management (APM) application programming interfaces (APIs, PNPBIOS APIs, Multiprocessor Specification (MPS) tables and so on into a well-defined power management and configuration interface specification. ACPI provides the means for an orderly transition from existing (legacy) hardware to ACPI hardware, and it allows for both ACPI and legacy mechanisms to exist in a single machine and to be used as needed. Further, system architectures being built at the time of the original ACPI specification’s inception, stretched the limits of historical “Plug and Play” interfaces. ACPI evolved existing motherboard configuration interfaces to support advanced architectures in a more robust, and potentially more efficient manner. The interfaces and OSPM concepts defined within this specification are suitable to all classes of computers including (but not limited to) desktop, mobile, workstation, and server machines. From a power management perspective, OSPM/ACPI promotes the concept that systems should conserve energy by transitioning unused devices into lower power states including placing the entire system in a low-power state (sleeping state) when possible. This document describes ACPI hardware interfaces, ACPI software interfaces and ACPI data structures that, when implemented, enable support for robust OS-directed configuration and power management (OSPM)
2021-04-21 22:01:49 9.38MB ACPI ASL
Intel 公司开发的通用串行总线架构(USB)的目的主要基于以下三方面考虑 (一)计算机与电话之间的连接 显然用计算机来进行计算机通信将是下一代计算机基 本的应用 机器和人们的数据交互流动需要一个广泛而又便宜的连通网络 然而 由于目 前产业间的相互独立发展,尚未建立统一标准,而 USB 则可以广泛的连接计算机和电话 (二)易用性 众所周知,PC 机的改装是极不灵活的 对用户友好的图形化接口和一些 软硬件机制的结合 加上新一代总线结构使得计算机的冲突大量减少 且易于改装 但以 终端用户的眼光来看 PC 机的输入/输出 如串行/并行端口 键盘 鼠标 操纵杆接口 等 均还没有达到即插即用的特性 USB 正是在这种情况下问世的 (三)端口扩充 外围设备的添加总是被相当有限的端口数目限制着 缺少一个双向 价廉 与外设连接的中低速的总线 限制了外围设备(诸如电话/电传/调制解调器的适配 器 扫描仪 键盘 PDA)的开发 现有的连接只可对极少设备进行优化 对于 PC 机的新 的功能部件的添加需定义一个新的接口来满足上述需要 USB 就应运而生 它是快速 双 向 同步 动态连接且价格低廉的串行接口 可以满足 PC 机发展的现在和未来的需要
2021-04-15 15:22:02 81.34MB USB2.0    USB3.0 USB 协议规范中文
This standard defines requirements and options of a standardized display panel interface for embedded display applications. It is based on the VESA DisplayPort Standard Version 1.3 and includes implementation options recommended for consideration by the system integrator.
2021-04-14 13:48:31 3.44MB eDP
IEEE 802.11ac是一个802.11无线局域网通信标准,它通过5GHz频带进行通信。理论上,它能够提供最少1Gbit/s带宽进行多站式无线局域网通信,或是最少500Mbit/s的单一连接传输带宽。802.11ac是802.11n的继承者。它采用并扩展了源自802.11n的空中接口概念,包括:更宽的RF带宽(提升至160MHz)、更多的MlMO空间流(增加到8)、多用户的MIMO以及更高阶的调制(达到256QAM)
2021-04-13 11:25:41 5.56MB WIFI 802.11ac IEEE Std
蓝牙协议规范文档core V4.2,蓝牙sig官网搬运.BLUETOOTH SPECIFICATION Version 4.2 [Vol 0]
2021-04-08 16:05:19 23.89MB 蓝牙协议
2021-04-06 11:45:12 3.58MB JESD20 FPGA AD9371 高速接口应用
2021-04-05 19:29:20 843KB i2c
2021-04-05 18:04:54 692KB hdcp 2.2