2021-08-12 21:06:03 184B c++
The mapped global annual urban dynamics (GAUD) and green recovery from 1985 to 2015 at a 30-m resolution. This part of data is organized by 10-degree grids (totally 224). Shapefiles of 10-degree grids can be found in "grids_world.zip". Urban expansion data is packaged in "urban_grid_i.zip" (i ranges from 0 to 223). Green recovery data is packaged in "green_grid_0-223.zip". Their format is GeoTiff, and for each pixel, values from 1985 to 2015 demonstrate the urbanized or green recovery year, while 0 means no data. (2) The interpreted samples of urban extent in 1985 and 2015, and urbanized year during 1985 and 2015. This part of data is for examining the accuracies of our data fusion and temporal segmentation approach. Interpreted urban extent is packaged in "Ref_tif_clip_1985.rar" and "Ref_tif_clip_2015.rar". Its format is GeoTiff, and for each pixel, value 1 means urban areas, while 0 means non-urban areas. Valid samples of urbanized year can be found in "validation_urbanized_year.xls". (3) A demo of NUACI calculation and urbanized years dectection can be found at link: https://code.earthengine.google.com/1c901129fa8c9d81b292824e8fb4ff1c
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