2022-10-16 18:04:18 16.6MB pcnse
选型表 备份用 http://www.gd32mcu.com/cn/download/9?kw=GD32F1
2022-10-16 09:47:26 902KB GD32 MCU
xilinx ddr3 的用户手册,开发ddr3必备。
2022-10-12 17:13:54 15.24MB ddr3
Beginnings are important. Beginnings are when we establish trust and de ne much of how a relationship will progress. The new formats of virtual reality (VR), alternate reality (AR), and mixed reality (MR) are at a beginning. These new “realities” are at a delicate stage and I sincerely believe they will de ne a new era of communications and entertainment. There is a risk, however, that if they are not presented in the right way or form the right relationships, they could easily just become another tech fad, another grab for quick cash from some people new realities 1 2 new realities in audio wanting to take advantage of unwitting consumers looking for the next big thing. If this happens then these new formats are going to fail. Let me begin, therefore, by stating I do not consider myself an expert in the new realities, not yet at least. I have spent the past few years exploring, discovering, and researching possibilities. I have worked for several leading companies specializing in the new reali- ties and have participated in some very exciting projects. I am also incredibly passionate about the creative potential offered by these new formats. I believe that we have opened up an area that is so new to all of us, and potentially so very different to everything we have used up till now, that it would be unrealistic for anyone to claim to be an “expert” just yet.
2022-10-12 16:49:17 121.24MB Video Audio AR VR
Linux PAM 使用配置手册
2022-10-11 14:00:38 237KB linux PAM
带有JavaFX的PDF编辑器 在本指南中,您将学习如何在JAVA中构建PDF编辑器。 当我帮助我的爷爷向税务局提交申报单时,我想到了这个主意,而不是每年一次又一次地填写表格,而是用从PDF到DOC的两个字段进行更改。 这可能会破坏布局,并且我的学生许可证已过期。 购买任何PDF编辑器的扩展名或使用我不想要的在线资源,因此我决定使用Java构建自己的编辑器。 这很有趣,在从事这个项目的过程中,我获得了很多知识。 希望您也能从中受益。 示例其工作方式: 在src / sample / sample.PDF中找到示例PDF 选择文件 编辑文件 保存/处理文档并选择PDF布局 恢复文件 设置 首先,我建议你来覆盖教训,能够创建一个空的了JavaFx应用。 此外,JavaFx我们还需要两个库。 (也请调整VM选项,在末尾添加javafx.web。) PDFtoHTML-将PDF文件转换
2022-10-07 22:18:42 141KB java guide javafx javafx-application
QuickGuide Overview This guide will introduce you to the very basics associated with solving problems using the TOMLAB Optimization Environment. After this session you will have solved several dierent problems with a variety of solvers. The solvers you can use will depend on what you are licensed for. The total time required for these exercises has been estimated to about 45 minutes. Useful commands when using this guide: help *Assign (* is lp, qp, con and more) help tomRun SolverList('qp'); help snoptTL help mipSolve help minlpBBTL help cplexTL Prob - view the Problem structure used by the solvers Result - view the Result structure
2022-10-07 14:34:49 307KB TOMLAB Guide
MySQL认证官方教程:MySQL for Database Administrators Activity Guide
2022-10-05 14:07:49 1.5MB MySQL 认证 官方 教程
ANSYS 12 Modeling and Meshing Guide. Official documentaion. 想成为Ansys的几何建模,网规划分高手的必看!
2022-10-05 11:47:09 4.45MB Ansys 几何建模 网规划分
DFTC的一些基本概念,从浅入深,包括DFT scan、OCC等技术
2022-10-03 19:10:50 10.12MB SCAN OCC