I/O Buffer Information Specification (IBIS)V7.0,文档更新于2019年3月15日
2022-04-22 17:42:48 2.97MB IBIS 器件模型 标准库 规范
不需要曝光,就是为不方便访问WiFi联盟官网的朋友准备的,可以配合着 我之前上传的中文版 对比着看。
2022-04-22 17:00:13 506KB WIFI WPA3
Z specification Z specification Z specification
2022-04-21 21:16:11 4.74MB Z specification
Mobile High-Definition Link (MHL) 移动终端高清影音标准接口,是一种连接便携式消费电子装置的影音标准接口,MHL仅使用一条信号电缆,通过标准HDMI输入接口即可呈现于高清电视上。
2022-04-20 11:16:27 6.07MB mhl
This chapter presents an overview of Universal Serial Bus 4 (USB4™) architecture and key concepts. USB4 is similar to earlier versions of USB in that it is a cable bus supporting data exchange between a host computer and a wide range of simultaneously accessible peripherals. However, USB4 also allows a host computer to setup data exchange between compatible peripherals. The attached peripherals share bandwidth as configured by the host computer. The bus allows peripherals to be attached, configured, used, and detached while the host and other peripherals are in operation. When configured over a USB Type-C® connector interface, USB4 functionally replaces USB 3.2 while retaining USB 2.0 bus operating in parallel. Enhanced SuperSpeed USB, as defined in USB 3.2, remains the fundamental architecture for USB data transfer on a USB4 Fabric. The difference with USB4 versus USB 3.2 is that USB4 is a connection -oriented, tunneling architecture designed to combine multiple protocols onto a single physical interface, so that the total speed and performance of the USB4 Fabric can be dynamically shared. USB4 allows for USB data transfers to operate in parallel with other independent protocols specific to display, load/store and host-to-host interfaces. Additionally, USB4 extends performance beyond the 20 Gbps (Gen 2 x 2) of USB 3.2 to 40 Gbps (Gen 3 x 2) over the same dual-lane, dual-simplex architecture. This specification introduces the concept of protocol tunneling to USB bus architecture. Besides tunneling Enhanced SuperSpeed USB (USB3), display tunneling based on DisplayPort (DP) protocol and load/store tunneling based on PCI Express (PCIe) are defined. These protocol tunnels operate independently over the USB4 transport and physical layers. Additionally, USB4 allocates packets for bus configuration and management, and packe ts can be allocated specifically for host-to-host data connections.
2022-04-20 09:50:01 21.24MB USB4.0
H264 spcificatin and dvd specification,这些规范对与帮忙大家学习h264很有帮助。
2022-04-20 09:32:19 16.72MB h264 dvd h263
PCie spec,供需要的人。 3.0 带宽到8Gb/s , 目前主流的 pcie 基本上都是GEN3
2022-04-19 12:50:01 4.61MB PCIe 3.0
Release R37 最新苹果开发接口说明文档
2022-04-19 09:05:00 51.69MB ReleaseR37
The devicetree is a data structure for describing hardware. Rather than hard coding every detail of a device into an operating system, many aspects of the hardware can be described in a data structure that is passed to the operating system at boot time. The devicetree is used by OpenFirmware, OpenPOWER Abstraction Layer (OPAL), Power Architecture Platform Requirements (PAPR) and in the standalone Flattened Device Tree (FDT) form. The devicetree specification provides a full technical description of the devicetree data format and best practices.
2022-04-18 09:59:34 335KB devicetree linux
仅用于交流,支持正版! 介绍了这些团队如何在很短的周期内说明需求、开发软件,并交付正确的、无缺陷的产品;为团队在实施实例化需求说明时使用的模式、想法和工件创建了一致的语言;展示了案例中的团队用来实现实例化需求说明原则的关键性实践;并在案例分析部分展示了一些团队实施实例化需求说明的历程。 《实例化需求:团队如何交付正确的软件》适合与项目管理、开发、测试、交付有关的人员阅读。 作者简介 Gojko Adzic 战略软件交付顾问,专注于敏捷和精益开发,尤其擅长敏捷测试、实例化需求和行为驱动开发。Gojko经常在国际上重要的软件开发和测试会议上发言,并运营着英国的敏捷测试用户小组。最近这十多年来,他一直在财务和能源交易平台、移动定位、电子商务、在线游戏和复杂配置管理系统等行业项目中,从事程序员、架构师、技术指导和顾问等工作。除本书外,他还著有Bridging the Communication Gap、Test driven net Development with FitNesse和The Secret Ninja Cucumber Scrolls等书。
2022-04-13 18:07:33 113.51MB 敏捷开 工程 开发