Build, manage, and configure high-performing, reliable NoSQL database for your applications with Cassandra Key Features Write programs more efficiently using Cassandra's features with the help of examples Configure Cassandra and fine-tune its parameters depending on your needs Integrate Cassandra database with Apache Spark and build strong data analytics pipeline
2020-01-05 00:34:51 11.98MB Cassandra
Title: Mastering Apache Cassandra, 2nd Edition Author: Nishant Neeraj Length: 322 pages Edition: 2 Language: English Publisher: Packt Publishing Publication Date: 2015-02-27 ISBN-10: 1784392618 ISBN-13: 9781784392611 The book is aimed at intermediate developers with an understanding of core database concepts and want to become a master implementing Cassandra for their application. Table of Contents Chapter 1. Quick Start Chapter 2. Cassandra Architecture Chapter 3. Effective CQL Chapter 4. Deploying a Cluster Chapter 5. Performance Tuning Chapter 6. Managing a Cluster – Scaling, Node Repair, and Backup Chapter 7. Monitoring Chapter 8. Integration with Hadoop
2020-01-05 00:28:33 3.82MB Apache Cassandra
you must read it before starting your PhD study.
2020-01-03 11:42:04 1.17MB PhD study research
It is not so often in life that you get a second chance. I remember that only days after we stopped editing the first edition, I kept asking myself, "Why didn't I...?", or "What the heck was I thinking saying it like that?", and on and on. In fact, the first project I started working on after it was published had nothing to do with any of the methods in the first edition. I made a mental note that if given the chance, it would go into a second edition. When I started with the first edition, my goal was to create something different, maybe even create a work that was a pleasure to read, given the constraints of the topic. After all the feedback I received, I think I hit the mark. However, there is always room for improvement, and if you try and be everything to all people, you become nothing to everybody. I'm reminded of one of my favorite Frederick the great quotes, "He who defends everything, defends nothing". So, I've tried to provide enough of the skills and tools, but not all of them, to get a reader up and running with R and machine learning as quickly and painlessly as possible. I think I've added some interesting new techniques that build on what was in the first edition. There will probably always be the detractors who complain it does not offer enough math or does not do this, that, or the other thing, but my answer to that is they already exist! Why duplicate what was already done, and very well, for that matter? Again, I have sought to provide something different, something that would keep the reader's attention and allow them to succeed in this competitive field. Before I provide a list of the changes/improvements incorporated into the second edition, chapter by chapter, let me explain some universal changes. First of all, I have surrendered in my effort to fight the usage of the assignment operator <- versus just using =. As I shared more and more code with others, I realized I was out on my own using = and not <-. The first thing I did when under con
2020-01-03 11:41:19 4.73MB Machine Learning 机器学习
Mastering Vim will introduce you to the wonderful world of Vim through examples of working with Python code and tools in a project-based fashion. This book will prompt you to make Vim your primary IDE, since you will learn to use it for any programming language
2020-01-03 11:40:15 7.6MB vim neovim vi editor
2020-01-03 11:39:24 1.87MB 综合文档
中英两版中英两版Mastering the FreeRTOS™,英文文件全名161204_Mastering_the_FreeRTOS_Real_Time_Kernel-A_Hands-On_Tutorial_Guide,中文文件为掌握FreeRTOS™实时内核,英文版是FreeRTOS官网上下载的,中文版为自己翻译,能力有限,翻译可能不是很准确。如果有版权问题请联系我,谢谢!
2020-01-03 11:39:10 9.36MB FreeRTOS 中文 英文 PDF
Mastering Machine Learning with R(2nd) 英文无水印pdf 第2版 注意:此pdf用某些pdf阅读软件打开字体可能显示不正常 用SumatraPDF或Firefox(PDF.js)打开是正常的 pdf所有页面使用FoxitReader和PDF-XChangeViewer测试都可以打开 本资源转载自网络,如有侵权,请联系上传者或csdn删除 本资源转载自网络,如有侵权,请联系上传者或csdn删除
2020-01-03 11:37:00 6.74MB Mastering Machine Learning R
An active internet connection Java 8+ Docker Maven Git client Chapter 1, Introduction to Microservices, will introduce you to the microservices architecture, cloud environment, etc. You will learn the difference between a microservice based application and a monolith application while also learning how to migrate to a microservices application. Chapter 2, Spring for Microservices, will introduce you Spring Boot framework. You will learn how to effictively use it to create microservice application. We will cover such topics like creating REST API using Spring MVC annotations, providing API documentation using Swagger2, and exposing health checks and metrics using Spring Boot Actuator endpoints. Chapter 3, Spring Cloud Overview, will provide a short description of the main projects being a part of Spring Cloud. It will focus on describing the main patterns implemented by Spring Cloud and assigning them to the particular projects. Chapter 4, Service Discovery, will describe a service discovery pattern with Spring Cloud Netflix Eureka. You will learn how to run Eureka server in standalone mode and how to run multiple server instances with peer-to-peer replication. You will also learn how to enable discovery on the client side and register these clients in different zones. Chapter 5, Distributed Configuration with Spring Cloud Config, will describe how use distributed configuration with Spring Cloud Config in your applications. You will learn how to enable different backend repositories of property sources and push change notifications using Spring Cloud Bus. We will compare discovery first bootstrap and config first bootstrap approaches to illustrate integration between discovery service and configuration server. Chapter 6, Communication Between Microservices, will describe the most important elements taking a part in an inter-service communication: HTTP clients and load balancers. You will learn how to use Spring RestTemplate, Ribbon, and Feign clients with or without
2020-01-03 11:34:39 9.87MB SRPING CLOUD BOOT DOCKER
2017年5月的新书,pdf版。 Book Description In this second edition, you will get to grips with the latest features of OpenStack. Starting with an overview of the OpenStack architecture, you'll see how to adopt the DevOps style of automation while deploying and operating in an OpenStack environment. We'll show you how to create your own OpenStack private cloud. Then you'll learn about various hypervisors and container technology supported by OpenStack. You'll get an understanding about the segregation of compute nodes based on reliability and availability needs. We'll cover various storage types in OpenStack and advanced networking aspects such as SDN and NFV. Next, you'll understand the OpenStack infrastructure from a cloud user point of view. Moving on, you'll develop troubleshooting skills, and get a comprehensive understanding of services such as high availability and failover in OpenStack. Finally, you will gain experience of running a centralized logging server and monitoring OpenStack services. The book will show you how to carry out performance tuning based on OpenStack service logs. You will be able to master OpenStack benchmarking and performance tuning. By the end of the book, you'll be ready to take steps to deploy and manage an OpenStack cloud with the latest open source technologies.
2020-01-03 11:34:27 15.29MB openstack