Python J2534 接口 这是用 Python 3.8.1 编写的 J2534 API 的接口。
2021-10-07 09:36:33 17KB Python
Specification for Camera Serial Interface 2 (CSI-2), Version 1.2, MIPI Alliance, Inc., 22 January 2014.
2021-10-04 18:15:03 1.25MB CSI-2 MIPI Ver1.2 d-phy
The Linux Programming Interface 英文无水印pdf pdf所有页面使用FoxitReader和PDF-XChangeViewer测试都可以打开 本资源转载自网络,如有侵权,请联系上传者或csdn删除 本资源转载自网络,如有侵权,请联系上传者或csdn删除
2021-10-02 11:45:36 6.99MB Linux Programming Interface
Oracle Wait Interface性能诊断与调整实践指南 oracle press
2021-09-29 15:30:00 40.35MB Oracle Wait Interface
MIPI ® Alliance Specification for RF Front-End Control Interface Version 1.10 – 26 July 2011 MIPI Board Approved 2-Nov-2011
2021-09-29 12:19:56 452KB MIPI RFFE
POLGUI是MATLAB和Polhemus Fastrak数字化仪之间的接口,用于数字化基准点位置和头皮EEG电极位置。 共有5个版本,所有版本均可在MATLAB R14下工作(在Linux和Windows平台上均可)(1)polgui_ver1_r14:与1个接收器(手写笔)配合使用(2)polgui_ver2_r14:与2个接收器(包括笔)配合使用(3)polgui_ver3_r14 :适用于3个接收器(包括笔)(4)polgui_ver4_r14:适用于4个接收器(包括笔)(5)polgui_ver5_r14:适用于1/2/3/4接收器的通用版本[警告:Ver 5可能有问题; 未完全测试]
2021-09-27 21:52:08 193KB 开源软件
This book presents the technical characteristics of the two radio network interfaces of mobile 4G, LTE and LTE Advanced, based on Release 8, 9 and 10 of the 3GPP specifications.Points covered include a detailed description of various components of the radio interface. RRC signaling messages used to establish the connection, enabling the security, the paging, the establishment and the release of dedicated and default support and the handover. The PDCP ensures the security of the transmission and allows the recovery during handover and the compression of the headers. The RLC protocol defines the transmission modes with or without acknowledgment. The MAC protocol determines the random access, the data transfer, the timing advance, the scheduling and the discontinuous reception. The physical layer includes a description of the methods of multiplexing (time, frequency and space) and the various signals and physical channels.Download from NitroFlare ,解压密码
2021-09-27 10:15:19 8.32MB 英文
苹果(Apple)英文原版MFi规范,用于iOS 8.0测试版的开发者预览版规范,详细说明了与具有 Apple Lightning™ 头的 Apple 设备连接的配件的要求和建议,方便配件开发商计划采用本文所述的配件接口功能; 同时这文件已解密及去除水印, 方便大家copy(参考代码等)及分享!
2021-09-27 10:14:56 16.97MB MFi iOS8 Accessory Apple
我已经编译了Dassl求解器版本(MATLAB MEX INTERFACE),以便与Windows操作系统上的Matlab(版本5.3和6.5)一起使用。 我编辑并附上了解决 DAE 问题和 ODE 问题的示例! 在最后一个中进行了 Dassl 和 ode45 之间的比较! 有关当前放置在此处的文件的更多信息,请参见:
2021-09-22 10:43:55 177KB matlab