Advancements in grid converter technology have been pivotal in the successful integration of renewable energy. The high penetration of renewable energy systems is calling for new more stringent grid requirements. As a consequence, the grid converters should be able to exhibit advanced functions like: dynamic control of active and reactive current injection during faults, and grid services support.This book explains the topologies, modulation and control of grid converters for both photovoltaic and wind power applications. In addition to power electronics, coverage focuses on the specific applications in photovoltaic and wind power systems where grid condition is an essential factor.With a review of the most recent grid requirements for photovoltaic and wind power systems, the relevant issues are discussed: Modern grid inverter topologies for photovoltaic and wind turbines Islanding detection methods for photovoltaic systems Synchronization techniques based on second order generalized integrators (SOGI) Advanced synchronization techniques with robust operation under grid unbalance condition Resonant controller techniques for current control and harmonic compensation Grid filter design and active damping techniques Power control under grid fault conditions, considering both positive and negative sequencesThroughout, the authors include practical examples, exercises, and simulation models and an accompanying website sets out further modeling techniques using MATLAB® and Simulink environments and physical security information management (PSIM) software.Grid Converters for Photovoltaic and Wind Power Systems is intended as a course book for graduate students with a background in electrical engineering and for professionals in the evolving renewable energy industry. For professors interested in adopting the course, a set of slides is available for download from the website.Companion Websitewww.wiley.com/go/grid_converters
2021-09-09 10:54:34 14.84MB PV wind inverter
2021-09-08 20:56:38 3KB 解决jqgrid中文乱码
网格 OpenLayers的动态网格实现6。 在当前视图范围内渲染点的规则网格。 旨在用作高级捕捉控件的一部分。 入门 多合一示例 <!doctype html > < html lang =" en " > < head > < link rel =" stylesheet " href =" https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/openlayers/openlayers.github.io@master/en/v6.3.1/css/ol.css " type =" text/css " > < style > . map { height : 400 px ; width : 100 % ; } </ style > < script src =" https://cdn.
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MFC Grid control 2.26 是一个经过多年发展,广为使用的列表控件,功能十分强大,可以对任意某格改变颜色,设定风格,进行编辑,嵌入下拉框等等,引用处在 http://www.codeproject.com/miscctrl/gridctrl.asp(已下载为The Code Project - Miscellaneous Controls.htm) 带例子,使用 VC 2005编译
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ISO 15118 Series Road vehicles - Vehicle to grid communication interface(1-8共6份文件).7z
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Vehicle-2-Grid通信接口ISO 15118的开源参考实现 关于RISE V2G RISE V2G是R eference我mplementationš95的支持在V的对E旋涡ehicle- 2 -接口ISO 15118.国际标准ISO 15118,标题为“道路车辆-车辆电网通信接口” G RID通信,定义了一个数字IP-电动汽车(EV)与充电站(称为电动汽车供应设备-EVSE)之间基于通信的接口。 它基于EV和EVSE之间交换的大量信息,提供了一种用户友好的“即插即用”机制,用于身份验证,授权,计费和灵活的负载控制。 该标准的广泛应用对于实现将电动汽车作为柔性储能设备集成到智能电网中的目标至关重要。 使命宣言 RISE V2G项目可作为符合开源标准的参考实现和文档。 因此,目标是提供用于互操作性测试的测试平台,并为感兴趣的各方提供信息资源。 采用新技术在很大程度上取决于其各种实
2021-08-26 13:19:44 955KB Java
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