Carol Alexander Market Risk Analysis第2卷
2022-10-08 11:17:52 5.38MB Market Risk Analysis
A method for time accrual outlier analysis of Traction Energy Consumption (TEC. The system architecture of the typical value of TEC is proposed, composed of three elements: research object, evaluation index, and time scale. The time series forecasting algorithm calculates the specific value of the cumulative energy consumption index in each energy consumption mode. For the abnormality of the TEC pattern, the distance of the string vector is used as the similarity measure. Th
2022-10-08 09:06:21 1.02MB PAA SAX
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2022-10-07 09:31:29 37KB HTML
The use of MATLAB is ubiquitous in the scientific and engineering communities today, and justifiably so. Simple programming, rich graphic facilities, built-in functions, and extensive toolboxes offer users the power and flexibility they need to solve the complex analytical problems inherent in modern technologies. The ability to use MATLAB effectively has become practically a prerequisite to success for engineering professionals. Like its best-selling predecessor, Electronics and Circuit Analysis Using MATLAB, Second Edition helps build that proficiency. It provides an easy, practical introduction to MATLAB and clearly demonstrates its use in solving a wide range of electronics and circuit analysis problems. This edition reflects recent MATLAB enhancements, includes new material, and provides even more examples and exercises. New in the Second Edition: · Thorough revisions to the first three chapters that incorporate additional MATLAB functions and bring the material up to date with recent changes to MATLAB · A new chapter on electronic data analysis · Many more exercises and solved examples · New sections added to the chapters on two-port networks, Fourier analysis, and semiconductor physics · MATLAB m-files available for download Whether you are a student or professional engineer or technician, Electronics and Circuit Analysis Using MATLAB, Second Edition will serve you well. It offers not only an outstanding introduction to MATLAB, but also forms a guide to using MATLAB for your specific purposes: to explore the characteristics of semiconductor devices and to design and analyze electrical and electronic circuits and systems
2022-10-03 20:23:41 1.68MB MatLab Electronics and Circuit
Product failure Reliability Analysis using Minitab
2022-09-27 20:24:47 21.99MB Aaron
2022-09-27 14:19:31 27.57MB modal analysis
AndroPy工具 更新! DroidBox图像是固定的。 动态分析现在正在工作。 这是一个用于从Android APK中提取静态和动态功能的工具。 它结合了各种著名的Android应用程序分析工具,例如DroidBox,FlowDroid,Strace,AndroGuard或VirusTotal分析。 提供了包含APK文件的源目录,AndroPyTool应用了所有这些工具来执行静态,静态和动态分析,并生成JSON和CSV格式的功能文件,还允许将所有数据保存在MongoDB数据库中。 要获取更多信息,您可以阅读以下两篇文章: 马丁·A,拉拉·卡布雷拉·R和卡马乔·D(2018)。 信息融合。 DOI:10.1016 / j.inffus.2018.12.006 马丁·A,拉拉·卡布雷拉·R和卡马乔·D(2018)。 数据科学和知识工程中的传感决策支持(第509-516页)。 世
2022-09-27 11:16:36 259.53MB android-analysis android-malware-detection Python
2022-09-25 19:49:10 42.91MB 统计方法 数据分析
uboot方面的文档资料 包括源代码的一些分析。教你读懂如何分析uboot
2022-09-24 22:00:19 554KB uboot_文档 uboot_analyze