自己编译的Solaris 11.3 SPARC平台下zabbix agent 3.4.15二进制文件,解压即用。
2020-01-03 11:19:13 720KB zabbix solaris
自己编译的Solaris 11.3 x86_64平台下zabbix agent 3.4.15二进制文件,解压即用。
2020-01-03 11:19:13 827KB ZABBIX SOLARIS
solaris 10中安装gcc所需要的库以及gcc本身,好不容易收集到.
2019-12-21 22:16:51 25.78MB libgcc sol10
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2019-12-21 21:56:29 68B solaris 11.3
This book is all about DTrace, with the emphasis on using DTrace to understand, observe, and diagnose systems and applications. A deep understanding of the details of how DTrace works is not necessary to using DTrace to diagnose and solve problems; thus, the book covers using DTrace on systems and applications, with command-line examples and a great many D scripts. Depending on your level of experience, we intend the book’s organization to facilitate its use as a reference guide, allowing you to refer to specific chapters when diagnosing a particular area of the system or application.
2019-12-21 19:28:20 11.81MB DTrace
压缩包里附带有下载地址和破解步骤 Simics是一款高性能的系统模拟器,它提供了一个受控制的,确定性的,完全虚拟环境模拟平台,它可以模拟单处理机和多处理机系统,可以为多种任务提供了一个普通的基本结构,包括微处理机设计,存储器分级体系设计,元件研制和测试,软件质量的自动化测试,虚拟样机,硬件软件同步虚拟,还有固件,驱动程序和操作系统的开发! Virtutech Simics 仿真器可以仿真多种CPU和硬件,功能强大,可用于硬件和系统软件的评测
2019-12-21 19:21:20 13KB simics4.6 模拟器 sparc solaris