主要为大家详细介绍了Java Robot应用示例之机器人功能,具有一定的参考价值,感兴趣的小伙伴们可以参考一下
2021-11-20 18:53:19 76KB Java Robot 机器人
pybullet快速入门手册 PyBulletQuickstart GuideErwin Coumans​, ​Yunfei Bai​, 2017/2018 1.Introduction 2.controlling arobot 3.synthetic camera rendering 4.collision detection queries 5.inverse dynamics,kinematics 6.reinforcement learning gym envs 7.virtual reality 8.debug GUI,lines,Text,Parameters 9.build and install pybullet
2021-11-18 11:20:17 1.54MB deep rl pybullet robot
matlab模糊控制代码模糊Q学习机器人 作者 : , , 该项目为应用于移动机器人的模糊 Q 学习提供了概念证明。 模拟和环境只需要 GNU Octave,这也应该适用于 Matlab,但我们建议您使用 GNU Octave。 主要建议是能够对经典和强化模糊逻辑进行基准测试 警告:源代码需要认真的重构。 安装 下载 github 项目 (zip) 解压并复制 GNU Octave 当前目录中的所有文件。 如何 可以执行多个环境的多个控制器: 环境 目的 控制器 要执行的文件 自由 目标达成 FLC49 4 墙 避障 FLC27 4堵墙和4个障碍 目标到达和避障 FLC49/27 自由 学习目标达到 R-FLC20 自由 目标达成 RL-FLC20 自由 学习目标达到 RL-FLC49 4 墙 学习避障 RL-FLC27 相关出版物: El Hacene Chabane,乌萨马·德鲁伊什。 阿尔及尔国立理工学院 2018 年 6 月。 使用 2D VSLAM 实现模糊强化学习控制
2021-11-17 15:48:58 3.85MB 系统开源
介绍 car-like robot的参数校准方法,请关注“混沌无形”
2021-11-17 09:04:07 792KB 移动机器人 参数校准
小型机械狗(四足动物)-可打印的零件 档案文件 身体/-小狗的身体部位 工具/-一些辅助工具,校准伺服和支腿
2021-11-16 13:50:45 6.3MB
2021-11-16 10:05:17 1.09MB arduino package robot ros
2021-11-11 10:58:36 372KB 机器视觉 视觉引导 定位 机器人
2021-11-10 16:27:24 7.88MB robot coverage pat
The MRSim (Multi-Robot Simulator) is an extension of the Autonomous mobile robotics toolbox SIMROBOT (SIMulated ROBOTs) created for MatLab 5 in 2001. MRSim allows the user to simulate the behavior of multiple mobile robots in virtual environments. When compared to its predecessor SIMROBOT, MRSim presents two key contributions: 1) It is fitted to the new MatLab versions - Previously, users were unable to work with SIMROBOT functions since most of them were incompatible with the new MatLab versions. MatLab significantly evolved over the last 10 years, making SIMROBOT obsolete. In this extension, all features of SIMROBOT were updated and improved based on the new MatLab functions; 2)It is also fitted to suit multi-robot applications - although SIMROBOT was endowed with various interesting features for mobile robotics, it presented several limitations for multi-robot applications. Therefore, MRSim was created primarily to allow users to develop multi-robot applications, which would benefit working with some specific requirements such as multi-hop communication. Moreover, most of the functionalities in MRSim have an integrated help (which can be accessed just by typing help function) that allows to easily understand the dynamics of how to create and run simulations. In sum, just like SIMROBOT, each robot in MRSim can be equipped with several virtual sensors and can be driven by its own control algorithm. The toolbox includes two independent applications. The first one is the EDITOR (simedit), which allows the user to create and modify the virtual environment,to edit the control algorithms of robots, to load and save simulation, and others. The second application, SIMULATOR (simview), can be run directly from the EDITOR or separately from MatLab Command Window and serves as a simulation viewer. A MatLab help file is being currently created and will be add in the future.
2021-11-09 22:02:02 2.18MB 多机器人 仿真 协同控制 算法
2021-11-07 14:47:16 10.52MB ros