umi-dva-antd-mobile-starter 开始使用Umi.js和Ant Design Mobile。 入门 安装依赖项。 yarn 启动开发服务器。 yarn start 精简生产。 yarn build 精打细算为发展而建设。 yarn dev 执照 麻省理工学院
2022-02-25 13:06:13 145KB react starter dva umi
Low Poly Water - Mobile VR PC.unitypackage
2022-02-24 19:08:57 262KB vr unity 游戏引擎
国外大牛写的C# web服务器,内置html代码,可以连接到飞车类游戏在网页实时显示车内仪表数据,可以换肤。很有参考意义。主要功能如下: ## Main Features - Free and open source - Automated installation - REST API for telemetry data - HTML5 dashboard application for live telemetry data streaming based on WebSockets - Powerful support for custom dashboard skins
2022-02-23 18:17:44 25.27MB c#
Codiqa 工具 开发 JQuery Mobile HTML5利器
2022-02-23 16:17:04 28.48MB Codiqa JQuery Mobile
中国移动边缘计算技术体系白皮书英文版:China Mobile Edge Computing Technical White Paper
2022-02-20 16:51:13 1.17MB 中国移动 边缘计算 白皮书 Edge
matlab connecoter 1.3, 包括connecter 1.3和 android 手机的执行程序
2022-02-17 12:45:37 5.74MB matlab mobile connector
Mobile Atlas Creator 是一个为各种手机地图软件创建离线地图的开源应用程序。它能够用最简便 的方式把常用的数据源下载成相应软件的离线地图文件,这样的话你的手机在没有联网的情况下,也 能显示完整的地图了。它支持的数据源有很多,包括 Google Maps、Bing Maps、Yahoo Maps、Microsoft Maps、OpenStreetMap 等几十种地图数据源,从 v1.9 开始支持定义地图源。 将下载的文件拷贝到Mobile Atlas Creator目录下mapsources文件包下即可。
2022-02-16 18:48:17 376B 地图源
The Mobile Communications Handbook, Second Edition (Electrical Engineering Handbook Series)
2022-02-16 10:55:57 7.35MB Mobile Communication 移动计算 无线通信
这篇论文介绍了使用eMMC RPMB分区存储5G模块/modem模块敏感数据的实现,包含了软硬件架构以及加解密流程。
2022-02-15 14:00:23 793KB android安全 5G安全 modem安全 emmc安全
Wheeled Mobile Robotics: From Fundamentals Towards Autonomous Systemscovers the main topics from the wide area of mobile robotics, explaining all applied theory and application. The book gives the reader a good foundation, enabling them to continue to more advanced topics. Several examples are included for better understanding, many of them accompanied by short MATLAB® script code making it easy to reuse in practical work. The book includes several examples of discussed methods and projects for wheeled mobile robots and some advanced methods for their control and localization. It is an ideal resource for those seeking an understanding of robotics, mechanics, and control, and for engineers and researchers in industrial and other specialized research institutions in the field of wheeled mobile robotics. Beginners with basic math knowledge will benefit from the examples, and engineers with an understanding of basic system theory and control will find it easy to follow the more demanding fundamental parts and advanced methods explained.
2022-02-13 18:38:28 14.85MB 机器人 matlab