There are several books about hardware verification, so what makes this book different? Put simply, this book is meant to be useful in your day-to-day work—which is why we refer to it throughout as a handbook. The authors are like you, cube dwellers, with battle scars from developing chips. We must cope with impossible schedules, a shortage of people to do the work, and constantly mutating hardware specifications. We subtitled this book An Object-Oriented Framework because a major theme of the book is how to use object-oriented programming (OOP) to do verification well. We focus on real-world examples, bloopers, and code snippets. Sure, we talk about programming theory, but the theme of this book is how to write simpler, adaptable, reusable code. We focus mainly on OOP techniques because we feel that this is the best way to manage the ever-increasing complexity of verification. We back this up with open-source Verification Intellectual Property (VIP), several complete test systems, and scripts to run them.
2023-02-05 21:45:12 3.48MB Verification SystemVerilog
动手进行锈蚀的系统编程 这是Packt发布的《 的代码库。 借助实际示例为Linux / Unix系统构建快速,安全的软件 这本书是关于什么的? 这本Rust书籍旨在通过实际示例和项目指导您使用Rust进行系统编程。 您将探索Rust的各种功能以及有用的技术,这些技术将帮助您开发系统工具,实用程序等。 本书涵盖以下激动人心的功能:对如何管理系统资源有扎实的了解,自信地使用Rust来控制和操作Linux或Unix系统了解如何编写大量实用的系统软件工具和实用程序深入研究内存的内存管理Rust程序的布局探索Rust标准库的功能和特性探索外部包装箱,以提高未来Rust编程项目的生产率 如果您觉得这本书适合您,请立即获取! 说明和导航 所有代码都组织在文件夹中。 例如,Chapter02。 该代码将如下所示: let num = 23; let borrowed_num = #
2023-02-04 21:25:06 111KB Rust
WPF 中UI交互设计时,必不可少的工具,微软自己编写的虽然没有直接加入到.NET Framework中。
2023-02-03 16:50:41 25KB System.Windows.I Interactivity WPF
De-embedding Techniques in Advanced Design System, Keysight关于射频参数提取去嵌入技术非常好的介绍资料。
2023-02-03 09:11:01 2.96MB 去嵌入
Yelper:基于协作过滤的推荐系统 孙传 [gmail.com的chuansun76] [] 博客: : 或此处: : 此README文件描述了“ Yelper”的几个主要组件,Yelper是主要使用Python使用Spark框架构建的业务推荐系统。 以下是“ Yelper”的一些功能: 按城市划分原始业务数据,可以进行微调和自定义推荐 使用Spark MLlib的基于矩阵分解的推荐 在Scala中使用Spark GraphX进行用户业务图分析 使用Spark Streaming和Apache Kafka进行实时用户请求处理 使用
2023-01-29 21:16:13 129.46MB python scala kafka spark
The most visible use of computers and software is processing information for human consumption. We use them to write books (like this one), search for information on the web, communicate via email, and keep track of financial data. The vast majority of computers in use, however, are much less visible. They run the engine, brakes, seatbelts, airbag, and audio system in your car. They digitally encode your voice and construct a radio signal to send it from your cell phone to a base station. They control your microwave oven, refrigerator, and dishwasher. They run printers ranging from desktop inkjet printers to large industrial high-volume printers. They command robots on a factory floor, power generation in a power plant, processes in a chemical plant, and traffic lights in a city. They search for microbes in biological samples, construct images of the inside of a human body, and measure vital signs. They process radio signals from space looking for supernovae and for extraterrestrial intelligence. They bring toys to life, enabling them to react to human touch and to sounds. They control aircraft and trains. These less visible computers are called embedded systems, and the software they run is called embedded software.
2023-01-25 11:12:03 21.11MB embedded system, cps
matlab 通信论文仿真代码一般说明 这些是手稿“Structural Scheduling of Transient Control under Energy Storage Systems by Sparse-Promoting Reinforcement Learning”的模拟代码。 仿真需要在MATLAB中安装Mat-power工具箱。 源代码模拟了带有储能系统的电网在意外情况下的瞬态过程,手稿中提出的方法在源代码中有所体现。 仿真环境要求 Matlab,版本 2019a。 Matpower 7.0,可从以下网址下载:。 CVX半定编程工具箱,可从网址下载:。 开始模拟 每个文件夹中所有的仿真程序入口文件名都以“main”开头,用户可以通过在matlab中运行仿真程序入口文件来启动仿真。 文件夹说明 文件夹“Simulation without control”包括电力系统瞬态模拟的源代码文件,其中发生意外,不受控制。 文件夹“建议方法下的仿真”包含我们在论文中提出的控制在发生意外后进行电力系统暂态仿真的源代码文件,该控制在 0.4 秒时激活。 文件夹“在各种伽马下控制”包
2023-01-22 16:06:28 21.03MB 系统开源
2023-01-20 00:06:26 315KB 仿真
开发操作Oracle数据库的WebService时,会出现未能加载 System.Data.OracleClient.dll的错误,本文详细叙述了解决办法。
2023-01-19 11:03:24 431B dll未能加载
System on Chip Interfaces for Low Power Design 9780128016305.pdf
2023-01-18 00:05:44 12.25MB 嵌入式