2021-12-20 22:02:14 76.39MB dicom dcmtk gdcm 压缩
The JPEG 2000 Suite The JPEG 2000 Suite provides a comprehensive overview of the baseline JPEG 2000 standard and its extensions. The first part of the book sets out the core coding system, additions to the standard and reference software. The second part discusses the successful deployment of JPEG 2000 in application domains such as video surveillance, digital cinema, digital television, medical imaging, defence imaging, security, geographic imaging and remote sensing, digital culture imaging and 3D graphics. The book also presents implementation strategies accompanied by existing software and hardware solutions. Describes secure JPEG 2000 (JPSEC), interactivity protocols (JPIP), volumetric image data compression (JP3D) and image compression in wireless environments (JPWL), amongst others. Uses a structure which allows for easy cross-reference with the components of the standard. Sets out practical implementation examples and results. Examines strategies for future image compression techniques, including Advanced Image Coding and JPEG XR. Includes contributions from international specialists in industry and academia who have worked on the development of the JPEG 2000 standard. Additional material can be found at www.jpeg.org. The JPEG 2000 Suite is an excellent introduction to the JPEG 2000 standard and is of great appeal to practising electronics engineers, researchers, and hardware and software developers using and developing image coding techniques. Graduate students taking courses on image compression, digital archiving, and data storage techniques will also find the book useful, as will graphic designers, artists, and decision makers in industries developing digital applications
2021-12-16 10:09:35 103.57MB jpeg编解码
fpga-jpeg.rar 101.98 KB, 下载次数: 515 , 下载积分: 资产 -2 信元, 下载支出 2 信元 JPEG的verilog代码
2021-12-15 16:46:42 102KB JPEG verilog 代码
2021-12-15 16:06:49 3.74MB bpg 图像压缩 JPEG
matlab信息熵代码 JPEG_Compression 在matlab里实现JPEG的压缩 JPEG压缩的基本流程 压缩流程:DCT2->量化->曲线阅读->编码->压缩码. 原图如下: 二维离散余弦变换 DCT2 将图片分成8x8的矩阵进行DCT2变换. 变换的好处是一方面,从图像处理的整体流程而言,变换后便于后续处理;另一方面,从编码的角度而言,变换后使图像信息集中,在数学上体现为描述关键信息的系数变少,相应的,所需存储空间降低,达到降低视频体积的目的。 变换后还可以进行高频过滤。 DCT2变换之后图像的信息会集中在左上角的低频区域: 经过DCT2变换的图像: 量化 Quantification 高频率的信息更难被眼睛捕捉,用quant矩阵模拟眼睛的感知能力,对进行过DCT的图像再进行分块(8x8)量化. 量化效果通常用量化玩之后矩阵的中0的占比来衡量,图像量化后0的占比例高达 96.2734%. 另外一种评估图像质量的方法是计算 Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (峰值信噪比)的值,PSNR值越大,就代表失真越少. 这里解码后的图像PSNR能得到 30db
2021-12-15 00:46:57 1.19MB 系统开源
jpeg prn 文件的转换,利用vc6.0中mfc实现
2021-12-14 09:23:34 39KB jpeg prn
2021-12-13 15:15:40 2.31MB 数字图像处理 BMP JPEG C语言
一个简单的将bmp格式转换成jpeg格式的c++源码,已经编译生成可执行文件test.exe,并且附有供测试的24bit的bmp格式图片(尺寸64x64),可直接使用。使用方法:在cmd窗口中来到test.exe的文件路径下,执行test.exe QQ.bmp即可生成out.jpg
2021-12-12 19:47:48 70KB bmp jpeg bmp2jpeg jpegEncoder
2021-12-09 17:50:08 1.02MB jpeg
2021-12-09 10:08:03 2.8MB Jpeg