Beginning iOS AR Game Development:Developing Augmented Reality Apps with Unity and C# by Allan Fowler-November 24, 2018 Beginning iOS AR Game Development: Developing Augmented Reality Apps with Unity and C# by Allan Fowler Apress English 2018-11-19 244 pages Details Title: Beginning iOS AR Game Development: Developing Augmented Reality Apps with Unity and C# Author: Allan Fowler Length: 244 pages Edition: 1st ed. Language: English Publisher: Apress Publication Date: 2018-11-19 ISBN-10: 1484236173 ISBN-13: 9781484236178 Description Create a fully featured application that’s both sophisticated and engaging. This book provides a detailed guide in developing augmented reality games that can take advantage of the advanced capabilities of new iOS devices and code while also offering compatibility with still supported legacy devices. No programming experience is necessary as this book begins on the ground floor with basic programming concepts in Unity and builds to incorporating input from the real world to create interactive realities. You’ll learn to program with the Unity 2017 development platform using C#. Recent announcements of increased AR capabilities on the latest iPhones and iPads show a clear dedication on Apple’s part to this emerging market of immersive games and apps. Unity 2017 is the latest version of this industry leading development platform and C# is a ubiquitous programming language perfect for any programmer to begin with. Using the latest development technologies, Beginning iOS AR Game Development will show you how to program games that interact directly with the real world environment around the user for creative fantastic augmented reality experiences. What You'll Learn Download assets from the Unity store Create a scene in Unity 2017 Use physics and controls on mobile devices Who This Book Is For Beginner programmers and/or people new to developing games using Unity. It also serves as a great introduction to developing AR games and educators teaching the subject at high school or higher levels. Table of Contents Chapter 1: Introduction Chapter 2: Getting Started Chapter 3: The Unity ARKit Chapter 4: Hit Testing and Lighting Chapter 5: Making AR Games Chapter 6: Introducing Touch Chapter 7: Adding Plane Detection and Point Clouds Chapter 8: Final Steps
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Android是一种基于Linux内核(不包含GNU组件)的自由及开放源代码的移动操作系统,主要应用于移动设备,如智能手机和平板电脑。该系统最初由安迪·鲁宾开发,后被Google公司收购并注资,随后与多家硬件制造商、软件开发商及电信营运商共同研发改良。 Android操作系统的特点包括: 开放源代码:Android系统采用开放源代码模式,允许开发者自由访问、修改和定制操作系统,这促进了技术的创新和发展,使得Android系统具有高度的灵活性和可定制性。 多任务处理:Android允许用户同时运行多个应用程序,并且可以轻松地在不同应用程序之间切换,提高了效率和便利性。 丰富的应用生态系统:Android系统拥有庞大的应用程序生态系统,用户可以从Google Play商店或其他第三方应用市场下载和安装各种各样的应用程序,满足各种需求。 可定制性:Android操作系统可以根据用户的个人喜好进行定制,用户可以更改主题、小部件和图标等,以使其界面更符合个人风格和偏好。 多种设备支持:Android操作系统可以运行在多种不同类型的设备上,包括手机、平板电脑、智能电视、汽车导航系统等。 此外,Android系统还有一些常见的问题,如应用崩溃、电池耗电过快、Wi-Fi连接问题、存储空间不足、更新问题等。针对这些问题,用户可以尝试一些基本的解决方法,如清除应用缓存和数据、降低屏幕亮度、关闭没有使用的连接和传感器、限制后台运行的应用、删除不需要的文件和应用等。 随着Android系统的不断发展,其功能和性能也在不断提升。例如,最新的Android版本引入了更多的安全性和隐私保护功能,以及更流畅的用户界面和更强大的性能。此外,Android系统也在不断探索新的应用场景,如智能家居、虚拟现实、人工智能等领域。 总之,Android系统是一种功能强大、灵活可定制、拥有丰富应用生态系统的移动操作系统,在全球范围内拥有广泛的用户基础。
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iTunes新版本已经不支持应用商店,该版本为iTunes老版本,支持应用商店 配合压缩包中的拦截软件实现。 操作步骤: 1-根据电脑位数,安装对应iTunes; 2-登录苹果账号; 3-在应用中搜索需要的软件; 4-运行抓包软件,在APP搜索中-搜索需要的软件-后面选择M锅-搜索; 5-搜索出来的软件双击即可看到历史版本-右键点击需要下载的版本-下载此版本; 6-显示拦截中; 7-回到iTunes中点击下载; 8-iTunes中会开始下载,但是进度为零,点击暂停下载; 9-回到抓包软件中,发现拦截成功,点击停止拦截; 10-回到iTunes中点击继续下载。 11-下载后的文件使用爱思助手安装就可以啦。
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适用于接触Android 与 Unity的开发人员,需要开发人员既了解Android,又需要了解Unity;此Demo分享给大家一起学习使用,如果有疑问之处还请加小编微信详聊!
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