AlmDev StyleControls VCL 4.90 full source
2021-07-18 19:03:52 1.11MB AlmDev StyleControls
Create modern-looking & feature-rich Windows applications faster with over 300 components in one money and time saving bundle. TMS Component Pack for Delphi & C++Builder includes feature-packed grids, Office 2007 ribbon, Office 2003 style toolbar, planning/scheduling components, advanced edits, toolbars, internet auto application update, Office 2003/2007 style tabs, pager, panel, Outlook navigational controls and much much more... Grid components HTML components Edit controls Planner components Outlook / inspector bar components Web connectivity components Syntax highlighting memo component System components Graphic components Menu components Smooth components Miscellaneous components Full component list List of samples Create modern-looking & feature-rich Windows applications faster with over 300 components in one money and time saving bundle. TMS Component Pack for Delphi & C++Builder includes feature-packed grids, Office 2007 ribbon, Office 2003 style toolbar, planning/scheduling components, advanced edits, toolbars, internet auto application update, Office 2003/2007 style tabs, pager, panel, Outlook navigational controls and much much more...
2021-07-18 13:38:11 26.29MB delphi TMS Component Pack
安装方法: FireDAC_8.0.5.3365.exe /SHOWIDE or FireDAC_8.0.5.3365.exe /IDE:D7 FireDAC_8.0.5.3365.exe /IDE:D2007 FireDAC_8.0.5.3365.exe /IDE:DXE FireDAC_8.0.5.3365.exe /IDE:DXE2 FireDAC_8.0.5.3365.exe /IDE:DXE3
2021-07-15 10:45:31 46.91MB FireDAC
请低调使用! 解压后包括:1套是源码文件(每种组件一个文件夹),1个是一键编译安装工具,1个是中文版文件。 拥有180多种VCL界面控件,功能丰富且易于上手 DevExpress VCL Subscription 是 Devexpress公司旗下用户界面产品套包,包含该公司所有VCL控件产品和 ASP.NET控件产品以及相关产品的完整源码。所包含的控件有:数据录入,图表,数据分析,导航,布局,网格,日程管理,样式,打印和工作流等,让您快速开发出完美、强大的VCL应用程序!DevExpress VCL Subscription曾用名为"Developer Express VCL Subscr i ption"。 【适用范围】:VCL应用程序开发
2021-07-14 16:03:05 502.9MB 开发技术 delphi
Delphi的皮肤控件,相当好用 内含全部源代码及很多皮肤
2021-07-12 22:34:47 9.82MB VclSkin 5.40 D7-D2010 Full
XE Berlin 10.1.2 安装没问题,别的没有测试过。
2021-07-12 09:02:58 19.06MB delphi 打印
QuickReport 6 Build 4.11 for Delphi and C++ Builder 10 Seattle Full Source
2021-07-11 13:00:57 21.67MB QuickReport FullSource
Woll2Woll 1stClass是Woll2Woll公司出品的老牌界面控件,支持Delphi 10.3
2021-07-09 14:59:58 34.91MB Woll2Woll 1stCla
EhLib.VCL 10.0 Build 10 with Full Source
2021-07-09 09:07:07 19.69MB delphi Ehlib borland
tms控件,XE10安装通过,但是存在问题:CLASS TADVPAGE NOT FOUND
2021-07-07 20:07:54 91.53MB TMS DELPHI XE