相控阵雷达设计入门资料,非常适合学生,工程师 Phased-Array Radar Design is a text-reference designed for electrical engineering graduate students in colleges and universities as well as for corporate in-house training programs for radar design engineers, especially systems engineers and analysts who would like to gain hands-on, practical knowledge and skills in radar design fundamentals, advanced radar concepts, trade-offs for radar design and radar performance analysis.
2019-12-21 21:53:38 10.65MB Phased Array Radar 相控阵
光伏阵列 拿之即用 对于进行matlab搭建模型的朋友很方便
2019-12-21 21:47:47 439KB 光伏阵列
Harry L. Van Trees著,最优阵列信号处理英文版 ISBN 0-471-22110-4
2019-12-21 21:24:29 87.17MB Optimum Array Processing 最优
试编写一个程序,要求比较数组ARRAY中的三个16位补码数,并根据比较结果在终端上显示如下信息: 如果三个数都不相等则显示0; 如果三个数有两个相等则显示1; 如果三个数都相等则显示2。
2019-12-21 21:20:15 3KB 汇编
2019-12-21 21:07:29 8KB wideband array
相控阵天线讲的深入浅出,很有参考价值 1 Radiation 1 1.1 The Early History of Electricity and Magnetism 1 1.2 James Clerk Maxwell, The Union of Electricity and Magnetism 8 1.3 Radiation by Accelerated Charge 10 1.4 Reactive and Radiating Electromagnetic Fields 18 References 18 2 Antennas 19 2.1 The Early History of Antennas 19 2.1.1 Resonant Electric Circuit 20 2.1.2 Heinrich Hertz: The First Antenna and Radio System 23 2.1.3 Guglielmo Marconi, the Dawn of Wireless Communication 28 vi CONTENTS 2.1.4 After the First Transatlantic Transmission 35 2.1.5 Directivity 40 2.2 Antenna Developments During the First World War 44 2.3 Antenna Developments in Between the Wars 47 2.3.1 Broadcasting 47 2.3.2 Microwaves 48 2.4 Antenna Developments During the Second World War 50 2.4.1 Radar 50 2.4.2 Other Antenna Developments 60 2.5 Post-War Antenna Developments 72 2.5.1 Frequency Independent Antennas 73 2.5.2 Helical Antenna 74 2.5.3 Microstrip Patch Antenna 75 2.5.4 Phased Array Antenna 76 References 80 3 Antenna Parameters 83 3.1 Radiation Pattern 83 3.1.1 Field Regions 84 3.1.2 Three-Dimensional Radiation Pattern 87 3.1.3 Planar Cuts 91 3.1.4 Power Patterns and Logarithmic Scale 96 3.1.5 Directivity and Gain 98 3.1.6 Reciprocity 101 3.1.7 Antenna Beamwidth 102 3.2 Antenna Impedance and Bandwidth 103 3.3 Polarisation 107 3.3.1 Elliptical Polarisation 107 3.3.2 Circular Polarisation 109 3.3.3 Linear Polarisation 110 3.3.4 Axial Ratio 110 3.4 Antenna Effective Area and Vector Effective Length 112 3.4.1 Effective Area 112 3.4.2 Vector Effective Length 114 3.5 Radio Equation 115 3.6 Radar Equation 117 3.6.1 Radar Cross-Section 118 References 120 CONTENTS vii 4 The Linear Broadside Array Antenna 123 4.1 A Linear Array of Non-Isotropic Point-Source Radiators 123 4.2 Plane Waves 124 4.3 Received Signal 126 4.4 Array Factor 131 4.5 Side Lobes and Grating Lobes 131 4.5.1 First Side-Lobe Level 131 4.5.2 Grating Lobes 132 4.6 Amplitude Taper 133 References 135 5 Design of a 4-Element, Linear, Broadside, Microstrip
2019-12-21 21:00:53 23.51MB Phased Array Antenna
2019-12-21 20:46:25 284KB HFSS 波导缝隙天线
该书是一本声学和语音信号处理领域的专著,全面系统地阐述了麦克风阵列的理论和应用。全书共分为十章,涵盖了麦克风阵列信号处理领域中最重要的主题。每章沿着从基本理论到实际应用的脉络进行描述,希冀为读者建立起最重要的基本概念。 [1] 全书各章基本是自含的,可以按需求单独阅读每一章。第1 章介绍麦克风阵列的概念、特点和应用,以及全书组织结构。第2 章阐述了线性最优滤波器,这是麦克风阵列信号处理的基础。第3 章介绍了传统的窄带波束成形技术,引入了宽带波束成形的原理。第4 章介绍如何将线性限制最小方差滤波器(LCMV)用于室内声音环境下的噪声抑制和去混响。第5 章在一个统一的数学框架下,介绍了几种典型的单通道噪声抑制算法在麦克风阵列噪声抑制中的应用。第6 章在单通道和多通道两个方面介绍了频域最优滤波器,侧重帮助读者理解在多通道条件下频域滤波器的工作原理。第7 章从多输入多输出(MIMO)系统的角度介绍了麦克风阵列在信源提取、去混响和干扰抑制等方面的应用。第8 章是第7 章的延续,介绍了如何使用两步策略处理干扰源及混响问题。第9 章介绍了麦克风阵列条件下的波达方向(DOA)和时延估计(TDOA)问题。第10 章对本书中没有涉及的几个问题进行了讨论。本书可以作为通信、信号处理和声学等相关专业研究生的教材或教学参考书,也可供从事相关工作的科研及工程人员参考。 [1]
2019-12-21 20:39:53 27.59MB 麦克风阵列 音频 信号处理 语音增强
Array processing has played an important. role in many diverse application areas. Most modern radar and sonar systems rely on antenna arrays or hydrophone arrays as an essential component of the system. Many commu- nication systems utilize phased arrays or multiple beam antennas to achieve their performance objectives. Seismic arrays are widely used for oil explo- ration and detection of underground nuclear tests. Various medical diagnosis and treatment techniques exploit arrays. Radio astronomy utilizes very large antenna arrays to achieve resolution goals. It appears that the third genera- tion of wireless systems will utilize adaptive array processing to achieve the desired system capacity.
2019-12-21 20:33:07 88.49MB Array Processing
Reflectarray Antennas-Theory,Designs and Applications-Payam Nayeri-2018 pdf版本
2019-12-21 20:28:23 73.16MB reflect array antenna