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2022-03-22 15:41:58 46.22MB 3dmax opencollada
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2022-03-19 19:26:04 127KB 3dmax脚本
目前,用户可以用Java3D 构造一些漂亮的几何3D 图形,可是要想通过程序来构造复 杂的几何形体,还是有一定的困难程度的,因此,在Java3D 中提供了一些常用的3D 图形 的接口,通过这些接口可以导入Wavefront 软件所绘制的.obj 格式文件[1];或者由VRML 语 言编写的.wrl 格式的文件;或者是由3DMAX 编写的.3ds 格式的文件,这样,用户在设计一 些复杂的几何形体的时候,就不必编写大量的程序并反复试验各种参数了,只需将其他交互 式图形设计工具设计好的三维图形的格式文件导入到Java3D 中,通过这些接口转化成可以 识别的数据结构即可以使用了。可以说,Java3D 在这一点上起到“四两拨千斤”[3]效果——虽 然它不是交互式的图形设计环境,但它可以借用其他流行环境的功能[3]。
2022-03-19 14:21:02 314KB Java3D
3dmaxt 通用 BIP 动作文件,各版本兼容,分类细致,动作全面,应有尽有
2022-03-19 14:04:16 4.05MB 3dmax动作 BIP动作库 各版本兼容
PrefaceOver the last few years, web development has turned a very important corner. Gone are the days when Java™ developers wrestled with a single JSP that contained presentation logic, database access via SQL, and navigational intelligence. Java web developers have learned from their mistakes, paid the price in debugging and maintenance time, and moved on.The number and variety of readily available web frameworks today is immense. It's hard to point a browser at a Java technical site without finding a newly released web framework that's going to revolutionize the modern world. While some may see this as a bad thing that might divide the Java community, the truth is that the constant emergence of new frameworks is just evolution at work.The design and construction of today's nontrivial web applications pushes developers to the limit of what's logically and physically possible. Myriad solutions are thrown at the problems these applications present. Some of the solutions stick, and as with human evolution, valuable characteristics are passed on in future generations of software. Other solutions do not—those that fail to serve the needs of users and add value usually fall by the wayside.Through this evolutionary process, the Jakarta Struts framework (created by Craig R. McClanahan and donated to the Apache Software Foundation in 2000) has emerged as one of the best web frameworks available. This book covers Version 1.1, which contains many major enhancements over the previous Jakarta Struts release. If you are building applications, web-based or not, one of the main things you will learn from this book is that frameworks such as Struts are a great time investment.
2022-03-14 13:00:20 1.72MB 3dmax struts 中文 帮助
2022-03-11 09:09:21 110B 3dmax 下载地址
Autodesk卸载工具(AUTO Uninstaller)是专门为了针对autodesk类软件卸载不干净而导致autodesk安装失败问题进行研发的autodesk一键卸载工具。现在虽然360或一些卸载软件提供了强力卸载autodesk的工具,可以将autodesk注册表和一些autodesk目录的autodesk残留信息删除,但仍不能确保将Autodesk所有相关程序文件和注册表全部彻底删除。也查过网上关于如何卸载autodesk的一些文章,是说删除几个autodesk文件和autodesk软件注册表就可以了,情况并没有这么简单。autodesk安装时产生了几万条注册表,想要彻底卸载autodesk软件,就有几万条autodesk注册表要删,非人力所能为。autodesk安装失败还和C++版本问题有关,因为每个版本的autodesk都是基于一定版本的C++版本而开发的。上面说了这么多,只是两种最常见的情况。这里介绍一个Autodesk卸载工具,专门用来解决卸载修复autodesk类软件卸载安装失败的问题。autodesk卸载工具会自动执行一系列问题的排查和修复,极大的节省了排除安装autodesk失败问题的时间。
2022-03-09 15:10:25 276B auto uninstaller CAD 3DMAX
第一次分享资源 AUTODESK 2014 所有产品密钥 注册机什么的我就不用分享了,网上一搜就一火车皮,当然如果你需要的话可以联系我 ps.这封文档是从网上复制黏贴下来只是为了与大家进行互动交流的,如果侵犯尊驾的权益也请及时通知我,我会第一时间做出相应的改正
2022-03-06 21:31:30 7KB autodesk autocad 3dmax
2016版本的3DMAX导出Directx,.x插件,步骤:1.下载后解压;2.将.dle文件放到3dmax安装目录下的plugin文件夹下;3.控制面板->程序->程序和功能中检查是否安装microsoft visual c++ 2015 redistribute,没有则需安装;4.然后打开3dmax,自定义->插件管理器->找到Axe_free_max2015_x64,右键加载;5.点左上角3dmax图标选导出,此时可以导出为.x文件。
2022-03-05 15:49:22 124KB 3dmax obj 导出.x插件 3dmax2016
2022-03-03 14:34:37 7.43MB 3dmax