% Time-Frequency Toolbox.
% Version 1.0 January 1996
% Copyright (c) 1994-96 by CNRS (France) - RICE University (USA).
% Signal Generation Files
% sigmerge - Add two signals with given energy ratio in dB.
% Choice of the Instantaneous Amplitude
% amexpo1s - Generate one-sided exponential amplitude modulation.
% amexpo2s - Generate bilateral exponential amplitude modulation.
% amgauss - Generate gaussian amplitude modulation.
% amrect - Generate rectangular amplitude modulation.
% amtriang - Generate triangular amplitude modulation.
% Choice of the Instantaneous Frequency
% fmconst - Signal with constant frequency modulation.
% fmhyp - Signal with hyperbolic frequency modulation.
% fmlin - Signal with linear frequency modulation.
% fmodany - Signal with arbitrary frequency modulation.
% fmpar - Signal with parabolic frequency modulation.
% fmpower - Signal with power-law frequency modulation.
% fmsin - Signal with sinusoidal frequency modulation.
% gdpower - Signal with a power-law group delay.
% Choice of Particular Signals
% altes - Altes signal in time domain.
% anaask - Amplitude Shift Keyed (ASK) signal.
% anabpsk - Binary Phase Shift Keyed (BPSK) signal.
% anafsk - Frequency Shift Keyed (FSK) signal.
% anapulse - Analytic projection of unit amplitude impulse signal.
% anaqpsk - Quaternary Phase Shift Keyed (QPSK) signal.
% anasing - Lipschitz singularity.
% anastep - Analytic projection of unit step signal.
% atoms - Linear combination of elementary Gaussian wave packets.
% dopnoise - Generate complex Doppler random signal.
% doppler - Generate complex Doppler signal.
% klauder - Klauder wavelet in time domain.
% mexhat - Mexican hat wavelet in time domain.
% tftb_window - Window generation (previously window.m).
% Addition of Noise
% noisecg - Analytic complex gaussian noise.
% noisecu - Analytic complex uniform noise.
% Modification
% s