2022-01-26 20:40:19 216KB Kernel Granger
Overview With User Mode Linux you can create virtual Linux machines within a Linux computer and use them to safely test and debug applications, network services, and even kernels. You can try out new distributions, experiment with buggy software, and even test security. Now, for the first time, the creator and maintainer of User Mode Linux shows how to put it to work hands-on. Jeff Dike covers everything from getting started through running enterprise-class User Mode Linux servers. You'll find authoritative advice on bootup, compilation, administration, specialized configurations, and much more. Coverage includes  What User Mode Linux is, how it works, and its uses in Linux networks  Key applications, including server consolidation, development, and disaster recovery  Booting and exploration: logins, consoles, swap space, partitioned disks, and more  Copy-On-Write (COW): UML's efficient approach to storing filesystem changes  In-depth discussion of User Mode Linux networking and security  Centrally managing User Mode Linux instances, and controlling their hardware resources  Implementing clusters and other specialized configurations  Setting up User Mode Linux servers, step-by-step: small-scale and large-scale examples  The future of virtualization and User Mode Linux Whether you're a netadmin, sysadmin, teacher, student, or programmer, User Mode Linux®--the technology and this book--is indispensable
2022-01-23 23:49:23 1.17MB uml linux kernel Dike
windows kernel programming编程作者开源的一些工具,github下载慢。
2022-01-23 16:26:45 62.98MB windows kernel programing author
LKM:Linux Kernel Map(图解Linux内核)PDF,SVG,PNG格式,
2022-01-23 16:19:34 5.65MB Linux
最新的uCOS-III-the real-time kernel 大名鼎鼎的Jean J. Labrosse著,英文原版。中文翻译为usos3实时内核 由于ucos3针对不同芯片出了不同教材,所以这个是针对ST-STM32的,故使用stm32的下载绝对对路。使用其他芯片的慎重!
2022-01-22 22:28:49 18.37MB uCOSIII real-time Labrosse STM32
• What is BOLT • How it works • Linux Kernel Challenges
2022-01-21 14:01:29 860KB linux 运维 服务器
x86 长模式内核启动代码博客文章 可以在以下位置找到博客文章: : 构建运行make 要通过 qemu 运行,请运行make qemu
2022-01-19 09:26:21 11KB C
x86-64平台 引导程序 可以使用BIOS或EFI从硬盘,闪存驱动器或CD / DVD引导 MBR->分区引导扇区保留区域中的引导程序,或GPT引导至EFI系统分区(GPT混合格式,存在可用的MBR) BIOS引导以32位保护模式运行,EFI引导以64位长模式运行 主要在C ++中实现 自定义引导加载程序,支持带有LFN的FAT32和带有统一booloader的Joliet引导的ISO9660 抽象的文件系统访问可使用自己的文件系统实现和BIOS调用进行BIOS引导,或使用EFI提供的文件系统API进行EFI 建立页表并在长模式下完全进入带有CPU的ELF64内核 实施SMP蹦床 从B
2022-01-18 17:46:06 4.61MB c-plus-plus kernel x86-64 osdev
2022-01-17 10:17:21 224B redhat7.2 kernel-devel kernel-heade
事实证明,极限学习机(ELM)是广泛领域中一种有效的学习范例。 使用内核函数方法而不是隐藏层,KernelELM克服了由随机分配的权重引起的变化问题。 本文在半监督极限学习机(SSELM)中引入了基于核的优化,并通过实验对性能的改进进行了评估。 结果表明,通过内核功能的优化,KernelSSELM可以实现更高的分类精度和鲁棒性。 另外,内核SSELM用于在城市交通评估和预测系统中训练交通拥堵评估框架。
2022-01-16 10:21:52 714KB Semi-supervised ELM; Kernel function;