本建议|国际标准的制定是为了满足视频会议、数字存储媒体、电视广播、互联网流媒体和通信等各种应用对运动图像更高压缩率的日益增长的需求。它还旨在支持以灵活的方式在各种网络环境中使用编码视频表示,以及支持使用多核并行编码和解码设备。本建议书的使用 |国际标准允许将运动视频作为计算机数据的一种形式进行处理,并存储在各种存储介质上,通过现有和未来的网络传输和接收,并在现有和未来的广播频道上分发。支持更高的位深度和增强的色度格式,包括使用全分辨率色度。对可扩展性的支持支持在具有不同传输条件的网络和涉及多比特率服务的其他场景中进行视频传输。对多视图的支持可以使用多个摄像机视图和可选的辅助信息来表示视频内容。对 3D 的支持使视频内容和深度信息与多个摄像机视图的联合表示成为可能。
2021-07-20 11:20:15 10.07MB ITU H.265 高效 视频
The Theory of Information and Coding second edition R.J. McELIECE
2021-07-20 10:13:41 3.05MB 信息论与编码 教程
程序员面试金典Cracking the Coding Interview高清书签第六版,更新很多新的知识,比第五版完善很多
2021-07-18 16:56:55 51.94MB 面试
主要来源是https://github.com/c0ny1/chunked-coding-converter 这里感谢下c0ny1师傅的分享 但基于此基础,这里是我个人已经编译完成好的,省去编译步骤,小白皆可使用,可以直接使用burp导入插件
2021-07-16 12:00:41 20KB 工具 burp插件 分块
2021-07-16 11:55:39 708KB uvm systemverilo cookbook mentor
VA-Coding 为 FlightSim 社区带来了新消息:您的虚拟航空公司或虚拟机场网站的脚本、您的 FlightSim 软件、虚拟航空公司的新 CMS [内容管理系统] 以及 FlightSim 爱好者的“小”噱头。
2021-07-14 13:03:47 2KB 开源软件
中南大学电子信息工程,13级视频信号考试论文:快速帧间编码翻译 题目:Fast Intra Mode Decision for High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC)
懒惰编码 懒惰==快 但真正的交易是什么? 基本上如下:将以下内容写入文件: 私有整数; 私人字符串标签; 私有数组列表; 下一个是什么? Lazy-Coding 将读取这些,并编写类、构造函数、getter、setter、equals 方法、toString 和 JUnit 测试,同时添加 Javadoc 样式注释。 缺点? 还没打码。。。 但是你不能自己写这些吗? 当然,如果我在 5 小时内没有更重要的事情要做。 你为什么不只使用工具x? 我喜欢编程,所以我自己做了。 目前将只支持 Java
2021-07-12 10:03:16 3KB Java
Improve your coding skills and learn how to write readable code. Rather than teach basic programming, this book presumes that readers understand the fundamentals, and offers time-honed best practices for style, design, documenting, testing, refactoring, and more. Taking an informal, conversational tone, author Michael Stueben offers programming stories, anecdotes, observations, advice, tricks, examples, and challenges based on his 38 years experience writing code and teaching programming classes. Trying to teach style to beginners is notoriously difficult and can easily appear pedantic. Instead, this book offers solutions and many examples to back up his ideas. Good Habits for Great Coding distills Stueben's three decades of analyzing his own mistakes, analyzing student mistakes, searching for problems that teach lessons, and searching for simple examples to illustrate complex ideas. Having found that most learn by trying out challenging problems, and reflecting on them, each chapter includes quizzes and problems. The final chapter introduces dynamic programming to reduce complex problems to subcases, and illustrates many concepts discussed in the book. Code samples are provided in Python and designed to be understandable by readers familiar with any modern programming language. At the end of this book, you will have acquired a lifetime of good coding advice, the lessons the author wishes he had learned when he was a novice. What You'll Learn Create readable code through examples of good and bad style Write difficult algorithms by comparing your code to the author's code Derive and code difficult algorithms using dynamic programming Understand the psychology of the coding process Who This Book Is For Students or novice programmers who have taken a beginning programming course and understand coding basics. Teachers will appreciate the author's road-tested ideas that they may apply to their own teaching. Table of Contents Part I: Not Learned in School Chapter 1:
2021-07-08 21:22:01 3.71MB Python Coding
出售 Vue.js高仿饿了么外卖App课程原型,课程地址: ://coding.imooc.com/class/74.html 本原始代码基于GPL协议,仅用于Vue实战项目的学习,不可作为商业用途。 你可以学到什么 我们可以通过一张图来认识一下本课程的知识结构 如何学习 请从地面渠道购买本课程的教学视频: : 你还可以加入课程讨论群,与同学一起讨论问题,还可以得到我的亲自指导。 适合人群 适合有一定Vue.js和初级基础知识并且想深入学习Vue.js并使用在实战项目的同学。 去做 由于本课程录制时间较早,编写代码的时候Vue.js 2.0尚未正式发布,所以源码采用1.0编写,后续会更新到2.0版本。 master代码已经升级到最新的Vue.js 2.1.10版本,如果想查看1.0版本的代码可以切换到1.0的代码分支。 next分支已经基于Vue.js 2.5.x + cube-u
2021-07-08 15:14:43 248KB Vue