2021-10-08 15:38:43 746KB 无线网卡 SMAC
2021-10-08 10:50:42 2.35MB linux  网卡驱动
RTL8188无线网卡模块方案 电路图 ,原理图, 含驱动文件
2021-10-06 14:56:39 6.49MB RTL8188 无线网卡 USB网卡 网卡模块
《AM335x USB无线网卡移植和使用手册》 作者:深圳盈鹏飞嵌入式
2021-10-06 08:51:04 354KB 网络/通信
Atheros AR8131 网卡驱动下载地址:(包括windows 驱动 和 Linux驱动) http://partner.atheros.com/Drivers.aspx Atheros AR9285无线网卡驱动,由开源项目MadWifi支持 在sourceforge搜索MadWifi可以找到: http://sourceforge.net/projects/madwifi/ 最新的Atheros无线网卡驱动主页: http://madwifi-project.org/ 对于新版本linux kernel 2.6.25之后(现在都是这个以上的内核),要用新的current版本。 http://snapshots.madwifi-project.org/madwifi-0.9.4-current.tar.gz In case you use kernel 2.6.25 or newer, you need to get this snapshot of the madwifi-0.9.4 branch instead of the v0.9.4 release! That snapshot is basically v0.9.4 plus compilation fixes for recent kernels. Atheros无线网卡驱动介绍: http://wireless.kernel.org/en/users/Drivers/Atheros AR9285无线网卡驱动 http://wireless.kernel.org/en/users/Drivers/ath9k Any distribution shipping a kernel >= 2.6.27 will have ath9k present but the ath9k driver on 2.6.32 is the oldest one recommended, anything older than that is completely unsupported. Below is a list of the minimal distribution requirements to either use ath9k from 2.6.27 or from compat-wireless, which lets you install newer drivers on older kernels. Ubuntu Intrepid (8.10) Fedora Core 10 openSUSE 11.1 Mandriva Linux 2009.0 (formally known as Mandrake Linux) ARCH Linux Gentoo Linux Red Flag Linux 7.0 (based on Fedora 10) RHEL5 2.6.18 kernel being tested When it went in ath9k was announced to have been merged into Linux-2.6.27-rc3 by Linus on Tue, 12 Aug 2008 19:33:16 -0700 (PDT), and consisted of 58.8% of the entire rc3 patch. Early distributions which picked it up OpenWrt became the first distribution to pick up ath9k and contribute to it.
2021-09-30 10:04:22 3.51MB Atheros AR9285 Wireless 无线网卡驱动
AT76C503A芯片无线网卡驱动WL-220驱动 很难找的驱动,用的人也少
2021-09-29 04:51:40 1.76MB AT76C503A WL-220
Intel AX200无线网卡驱动,用于台式机的无线网络连接. 该网卡速度可达2800Mbps以上, 蓝牙也是5.1版本,功能强大。
2021-09-26 22:50:47 46.61MB Intel wifi 蓝牙5.1
Realtek 8852AE联想R7000 Y7000无线网卡延时更新驱动版本无问题! 涉及的机型:小新Pro 16-AMD锐龙版、小新Air系列2021-AMD锐龙版、YOGA 14c 2021-AMD锐龙版、YOGA 13s 2021-AMD锐龙版 涉及的网卡型号:Realtek WiFi 6 8852AE 解决方案:更新Realtek“335”最新版本无线驱动,并修改一项无线设置。 操作方法:将文件解压缩,以管理员身份运行“setup.exe”,按照步骤安装,重启系统。 当再次进入系统后,打开“设备管理器”,依次找到“网络适配器” ,鼠标右击选中“Realtek RTL8852AE WiFi 6 802.11ax PCIe Adapter”,选择“属性” → “高级” → “空闲省电”,将“值”下拉菜单中选择“Low”,最后点击“确定”保存设置。
2021-09-21 09:01:15 15.26MB Realtek8852AE