无线通信类不错的学习材料 This book has grown out of my teaching and research at the University of Surrey and out of my previous experiences in companies such as Philips, Ascom and Motorola. It is primarily intended for use by students in master’s level and enhanced final-year undergraduate courses who are specialising in communication systems and wish to understand the principles and current practices of the wireless communication channel, including both antenna and propagation aspects. I have therefore included examples and problems in each chapter to reinforce the material described and to show how they are applied in specific situations. Additionally, much of the material has been used as parts of short courses run for many of the leading industrial companies in the field, so I hope that it may also be of interest to those who have a professional interest in the subject. Although there are several excellent books which cover portions of this material and which go deeper in some areas, my main motivation has been to create a book which covers the range of disciplines, from electromagnetics to statistics, which are necessary in order to understand the implications of the wireless channel on system performance. I have also attempted to bring together reference material which is useful in this field into a single, accessible volume, including a few previously unpublished research results.
2021-11-11 07:15:50 13.72MB 无线通信 传播
弱口令1929个 常用英文单词6481个 19500101到20181231号的生日密码151212个 8位纯数字密码1亿个(包含全国所有城市8位的固定电话及所有生日密码) 使用EWSA(Elcomsoft Wireless Security Auditor)工具加载握手包和字典文件就可以调用CPU和GPU的资源来高速跑字典得到密码。
2021-11-11 06:14:10 2.91MB 无线网络 WPA 破解 密码
无线设计第二版 英文原版文件,欢迎下载This Second Edition of a solid practical grounding in the latest RF circuit and systems operation, but also explains, in step-by-step detail, how to plan, design, simulate, build, and test a Complete Wireless Design not only supplies the reader with complete RF/microwave voice and data wireless radio, all the way from the discrete circuit level to the finished wireless system.
2021-11-10 16:40:15 10.19MB 无线设计
瑞利衰落matlab代码Simulation_wireless_channels 多径衰落信道的仿真:Jake仿真器的改进 在此存储库中,可以找到在2016/2017学年期间在帕多瓦大学修读的“无线通信”课程的专业项目。 说明:Matlab实现了瑞利和里奇通道的几个模拟器。 如何使用代码:-打开以下两个文件夹中的“ Rician”或“ Rayleigh”-运行“ main.m”以启动仿真 作者:Ciprian Matteo,Guglielmo Camporese
2021-11-09 19:50:21 41.1MB 系统开源
gr-adsb 一个GNU无线树外(OOT)模块,用于解调和解码自动相关监视广播(ADS-B)消息。 特征 通过GNU Radio和OsmoSDR支持许多SDR(USRP,RTL-SDR,HackRF,BladeRF等) 支持各种采样率(2 Msps,4 Msps,6 Msps等)。 注意:当前,采样率必须是符号率(2 Msym / s)的两倍的整数倍。 消息解码: DF 0:空空监视(ACAS) DF 4:监视高度答复 DF 5:监视身份回复 DF 11:全部通话回覆 DF 16:长时间空中监视(ACAS) DF 17:ADS-B扩展分频器 DF 18:来自非模式S应答器的CF = 0,1,6 ADS-B扩展的分频器 DF 19:AF = 0军用ADS-B扩展分散器 DF 20:Comm-B高度回复 DF 21:Comm-B身份回复 “简要”标准输出 “详细”标准输出 用法
2021-11-05 09:48:14 907KB dsp wireless sdr hackrf
Explore how to develop and implement wireless server networks (WSN) using Contiki-NG, branded as the operating system for the IoT. The book explains Contiki-NG’s advantages in sensing, communication, and energy optimization and enables you to begin solving problems in automation with WSN. Practical Contiki-NG is a guide to getting started with Contiki-NG programming featuring projects that demonstrate a variety of applications. This book takes a practical and content-driven approach to the latest technologies, including Raspberry Pi, IoT and cloud servers. Readers will go through step-by-step guides and sample scenarios such as sensing, actuating, connectivity, building middleware, and utilizing IoT and cloud-based technologies. If you’re looking to go from zero to hero in using Contiki-NG to build Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) applications then this is the book for you. What You’ll Learn Prepare and set up Contiki-NG development Review the basics of the Contiki-NG platform to build Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) Develop your own Contiki-NG program Perform sensing and actuating on the Contiki-NG platform Implement a middleware for Contiki-NG motes Build a simple IoT program using the Contiki-NG environment Who This Book Is For Developers, students, researchers and anyone who has an interest in Wireless Sensor Network (WSN).
2021-11-04 10:59:05 11.32MB Contiki-NG 物联网 传感器
本次集中上传长期以来积攒的电子资源设计无线通信,编码理论,方针理论。希望大家喜欢很多出自牛人手笔,比如vitebi, david tse, gallager, lapidoth,andrew goldsmith,Heinrich Meyr, Marc Moeneclaey, Stefan A. Fechtel。。。。。。很多都是英文原版,而且是最清晰的我才会收藏,从CSDN上获得了很多资源,现在是时候回报了。
2021-11-03 17:18:12 4.66MB digital communication wireless fundamental
2021-11-03 10:16:34 1.39MB
Game Theory in Wireless and Communication Networks 博弈论在通信中中的经典教材
2021-11-01 12:03:49 4.26MB Game Theory Wireless Commu.
2021-10-30 23:28:40 5.1MB Wireless Communications Technology