TMS VCL UI Pack是用于对运行Windows操作系统的应用程序进行编程的组件。实际上,借助该产品,您可以使用此软件包中包含的600多个组件来开发和编程所需的软件,更加便捷。该编程工具已针对Delphi和C ++ Builder编程语言专门发布。使用该产品将大大节省项目的执行时间。 该组件还使您更轻松地构建现代和最新的软件。该产品最有趣的功能之一是管理和计划推进编程项目的能力。在该产品的主页上,您将在待办事项列表和待办事项列表旁边使用工作日历。这使您能够以最高质量执行软件生产项目。 此外,此工具中包括的所有组件都将帮助您更好地开发程序。该产品的另一个重要功能是团队合作能力。您可以通过导入完成的工作并使其适应您的需求来最大程度地推进小组项目。
2021-03-05 09:05:53 129.33MB TMSUIPack
自己发开的地图下载器,免费绿色,支持高德地图、谷歌地图、智图地图、Open Street Map等数据源的瓦片地图下载,支持影像图和电子地图等多种类型地图,32位系统版
2021-02-24 15:03:35 40.56MB 地图下载器 TMS Google 高德地图
Workflow Studio is a Delphi/C++Builder VCL framework for Business Process Management (BPM). With Workflow Studio you can easily add workflow and BPM capabilities to your application,by allowing you or your end-user to create workflow definitions and running them. v1.9.0.0 New : TAttachmentViewMode allow displaying attachments and task info in a single pane instead of different tabs New : RAD Studio XE5 support Improved : Better performance for saving/loading workflow definitions, instances and tasks when using ADO Fixed : Workfklow blocks not displayed when language different than English was used Fixed : Empty "Basic" category removed from toolbar
2021-02-21 22:24:56 2.21MB Workflow
Workflow Studio is a Delphi/C++Builder VCL framework for Business Process Management (BPM). With Workflow Studio you can easily add workflow and BPM capabilities to your application,by allowing you or your end-user to create workflow definitions and running them. v1.9.0.0 New : TAttachmentViewMode allow displaying attachments and task info in a single pane instead of different tabs New : RAD Studio XE5 support Improved : Better performance for saving/loading workflow definitions, instances and tasks when using ADO Fixed : Workfklow blocks not displayed when language different than English was used Fixed : Empty "Basic" category removed from toolbar
2021-02-21 21:48:17 2.21MB TMS xe5
2021-02-21 21:40:14 210.69MB TMS_Wo
2021-02-21 12:21:32 2.21MB Workflow TMS
TMS VCL UI Pack delphi xe10.2.3亲测可用包含各种网格控件
2021-02-18 15:09:47 117.7MB advstringgrid TMS
TMS VCL UI Pack Setup.exe 直接安装即可使用。
2021-02-07 11:05:09 105.7MB TMS VCL UI
Delphi TMS VCL UI Pack V10.5.0.0 Extracted Sources。
2021-02-07 11:05:08 113.55MB TMS VCL UI
TMS IntraWeb Component Pack Pro_v5.8.9.0 (Wednesday, August 01, 2018).rar
2021-01-29 17:06:29 6.78MB TMSIntraWebCom