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Iterative Solution of Nonlinear Equations in Several Variables provides a survey of the theoretical results on systems of nonlinear equations in finite dimension and the major iterative methods for their computational solution. Originally published in 1970, it offers a research-level presentation of the principal results known at that time. Although the field has developed since the book originally appeared, it remains a major background reference for the literature before 1970. In particular, Part II contains the only relatively complete introduction to the existence theory for finite-dimensional nonlinear equations from the viewpoint of computational mathematics. Over the years semilocal convergence results have been obtained for various methods, especially with an emphasis on error bounds for the iterates. The results and proof techniques introduced here still represent a solid basis for this topic.
2021-08-21 21:17:42 3.57MB 数学
凸优化(王书宁译)boyd 课后答案-英文 这本书主要是面向实际应用,书中提供了凸优化的理论框架,但不强调复杂的定理证明。是学习优化理论的重要书籍。资源包括Convex Optimization的2006英文版的习题答案。
2021-08-21 20:41:30 1.66MB convex optimization solution
(ebook) - Engineering - Mechanics Of Materials - PROBLEMS - Solution Manual (3Rd Ed , By Beer, Johnston, & Dewol
2021-08-20 01:18:27 35.44MB 电子书 材料力学
2021-08-19 09:35:07 208KB 人工智能
Optimal State Estimation - Kalman, Hoo and Nonlinear Approaches SOLUTION MANUAL 分为两部分这是习题部分;
2021-08-18 03:15:51 48.38MB Optimal State Estimation SOLUTION
2021-08-17 14:55:43 7.37MB HUAWEI
2021-08-17 14:11:30 4.63MB HUAWEI
Every game relies on data. That's why we made Databox. A simple yet powerful data editor which allows you to manage and save all your data at one place. Use Databox for your game data, save games, game configurations, profiles, localisation... FEATURES Intuitive data editor - Manage all your data in one place Scriptable object workflow Runtime editor - Edit your data directly in your builds Read and save data at runtime NEW Load and Save asynchronously Supports all common Unity types + custom classes Import from GOOGLE spreadsheet or local CSV file Cloud sync - sync data to your MySQL webserver XOR Encryption Static keys generator for accessing tables, entries and values (instead of strings) Demo scenes included PlayMaker support FlowReactor support Powered by FullSerializer and OdinSerializer Runtime editor Balancing a game can be quite a hard task. That's why Databox has an easy to use runtime editor. It allows you to view and modify all of your data in your runtime build in a similar way to the editor in Unity. This is a great way to modify values while play-testing your game and do some quick value testings.
2021-08-16 14:11:07 121B unity unity3d
这是操作系统概念这本操作系统圣经第九版的教师辅助资源(含ppt,exercise soulution, 特别是项目答案project solution也有,实在是好了),from ustc
2021-08-15 01:32:21 56.94MB 操作系统