With the advent of powerful digital signal processing algorithms, both multidimen­sional signal analysis and reconstruction in imaging systems may now be formulated via more concrete theoretical principles and foundations. These theoretical founda­tions, which were deemed to be impractical for implementation in realistic imaging systems, not only can be used to develop accurate and computationally manageable reconstruction algorithms, but they also provide a new understanding of the informa­tion content of the signals that are utilized for image formation.
2021-07-13 15:14:25 50.9MB SAR Signal Proce MATLAB
Sparse image and signal processing:Wavelets curvelets morphological diversity书
2021-07-11 00:14:38 30.1MB 稀疏 压缩感知
I know what you are asking yourself--‘there are a lot of books available about DSP, is this book the one for me?’ Well that depends on who you are. If 1. you are interested in doing research and development in one of the many state-of-the-art applications of DSP, such as speech compression, speech recognition, or modem design, 2. your main proficiency or science rather than is in computer science, abstract mathematics,electronics or electrical engineering, 3. your math ematical background is relatively strong (flip back now to the appendix-you should be comfortable with about half of what you see there), then you are definitely in the target group of this book.
2021-07-11 00:04:42 56.82MB DSP
Digital Signal Processing Using MATLAB, 1.3
2021-07-03 09:09:40 463B matlab
Digital Signal Processing Using MATLAB, 1.4
2021-07-03 09:09:40 458B matlab
Digital Signal Processing Using MATLAB, 2.1
2021-07-03 09:09:39 281B matlab
Digital Signal Processing Using MATLAB, 2.2
2021-07-03 09:09:39 423B matlab
Digital Signal Processing Using MATLAB, 1.2
2021-07-03 09:00:22 495B matlab
2021-07-01 22:35:14 11.15MB GNSS