Andrew S. Tanenbaum - Distributed Operating Systems
2020-01-03 11:27:34 31.21MB Distributed Operating Systems
NIIT .NET Framework 课后作业
2020-01-03 11:26:42 36.45MB NIIT .NET 课后作业
Principles_of_Distributed_Database_Systems_3rd_Solutions 课后练习 及答案
2019-12-21 21:43:39 1.45MB distributed database system
Fault-Tolerant Message-Passing Distributed Systems:An Algorithmic Approach。
2019-12-21 21:38:19 4.78MB 分布式系统 消息传递 容错
刘杰的分布式系统原理介绍 分布式系统理论体系非常庞大,涉及知识面也非常广博,由于笔者的肤浅,本文精心选择了部 分在工程实践中应用广泛、简单有效的分布式理论、算法、协议加以介绍。全文分为两大部分,第 一部分介绍了分布式系统的一些基本概念并框定了本文的问题模型和问题域,作为后续章节的基础。 第二部分介绍了一些分布式系统的理论,在介绍这些理论时,注重引入实例并加以应用,同时将这 些理论投影到真实的系统中
2019-12-21 21:13:00 2.82MB distributed
2019-12-21 21:09:00 905KB Distributed PCA 分布式PCA
Distributed Systems: Principles and Paradigms (2nd Edition)
2019-12-21 21:00:33 9.38MB java distributed programming
Distributed source coding is one of the key enablers for efficient cooperative communication. The potential applications range from wireless sensor networks, ad-hoc networks, and surveillance networks, to robust low-complexity video coding, stereo/Multiview video coding, HDTV, hyper-spectral and multispectral imaging, and biometrics. The book is divided into three sections: theory, algorithms, and applications. Part one covers the background of information theory with an emphasis on DSC; part two discusses designs of algorithmic solutions for DSC problems, covering the three most important DSC problems: Slepian-Wolf, Wyner-Ziv, and MT source coding; and part three is dedicated to a variety of potential DSC applications. Key features: Clear explanation of distributed source coding theory and algorithms including both lossless and lossy designs. Rich applications of distributed source coding, which covers multimedia communication and data security applications. Self-contained content for beginners from basic information theory to practical code implementation. The book provides fundamental knowledge for engineers and computer scientists to access the topic of distributed source coding. It is also suitable for senior undergraduate and first year graduate students in electrical engineering; computer engineering; signal processing; image/video processing; and information theory and communications. Table of Contents Chapter 1: Introduction Part I: Theory of Distributed Source Coding Chapter 2: Lossless Compression of Correlated Sources Chapter 3: Wyner–Ziv Coding Theory Chapter 4: Lossy Distributed Source Coding Part II: Implementation Chapter 5: Slepian–Wolf Code Designs Based on Channel Coding Chapter 6: Distributed Arithmetic Coding Chapter 7: Wyner–Ziv Code Design Part III: Applications Chapter 8: Wyner–Ziv Video Coding Chapter 9: Correlation Estimation in DVC Chapter 10: DSC for Solar Image Compression Chapter 11: Secure Distributed Image Coding Chapter 12: Se
2019-12-21 20:59:16 16.36MB Distributed Source Coding
分布式计算经典书籍Distributed computing-principles, algorithms, and systems(英文原版)(英文原版),pdf格式
2019-12-21 20:41:38 4.05MB distributed algorithm
2019-12-21 20:37:02 5.26MB 多智能体 时滞 最优