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Beginning Spring 5: From Novice to Professional Get started with Spring Framework 5 and its ecosystem, with a guide to the working practices in modern development. This book will teach you how to use the Spring Framework to build Java-based applications, web applications, and microservices. You’ll see how Spring has drastically and positively affected the way we program and design applications in Java. Beginning Spring 5 discusses how you can build apps with the Spring mindset and what the benefits of that mindset are. Along the way you will learn many aspects of the Spring ecosystem with easy-to-understand applications designed to teach you not only the technology, but also the practices that benefit the most from Spring. What You Will Learn Discover the most common use cases encountered in the real world Create reliable, tested, modular software, building skills that will translate well across all languages and environments. Integrate and use data access and persistence frameworks such as Hibernate, JPA, and MongoDB Program functional or reactive Java with the latest Spring 5 features including WebFlux Who This Book Is For Those who are new to Spring or for those who have experience with Spring but want to learn what's new in Spring 5. This book assumes you have some prior coding experience in Java at least.
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