Networking functionality in Docker has changed considerably since its first release, evolving to offer a rich set of built-in networking features, as well as an extensible plugin model allowing for a wide variety of networking functionality. This book explores Docker networking capabilities from end to end. Begin by examining the building blocks used by Docker to implement fundamental containing networking before learning how to consume built-in networking constructs as well as custom networks you create on your own. Next, explore common third-party networking plugins, including detailed information on how these plugins inter-operate with the Docker engine. Consider available options for securing container networks, as well as a process for troubleshooting container connectivity. Finally, examine advanced Docker networking functions and their relevant use cases, tying together everything you need to succeed with your own projects.
2019-12-21 22:16:07 28.38MB docker network networking cookbook
computer networking top down approach 4th solution
2019-12-21 22:08:21 2.07MB computer networking top down
2019-12-21 22:07:26 5.47MB cooperative communication 协作
The main purpose of this book is to present basic principles and methods for developing optimization models for contemporary communication and computer network design.
2019-12-21 21:48:08 11.39MB networking flow
重新整理书签,使之阅读更方便。 Computer Networking A Top-Down Approach (7th Edition) - 计算机网络:自顶向下方法(第七版)英文原版。
2019-12-21 21:45:42 17.47MB 书籍 英文 网络
解压密码 Foundations of Modern Networking is a comprehensive, unified survey of modern networking technology and applications for today’s professionals, managers, and students. Dr. William Stallings offers clear and well-organized coverage of five key technologies that are transforming networks: Software-Defined Networks (SDN), Network Functions Virtualization (NFV), Quality of Experience (QoE), the Internet of Things (IoT), and cloudbased services. Dr. Stallings reviews current network ecosystems and the challenges they face–from Big Data and mobility to security and complexity. Next, he offers complete, self-contained coverage of each new set of technologies: how they work, how they are architected, and how they can be applied to solve real problems. Dr. Stallings presents a chapter-length analysis of emerging security issues in modern networks. He concludes with an up-to date discussion of networking careers, including important recent changes in roles and skill requirements. Coverage: ,解压密码
2019-12-21 21:39:02 21.47MB 英文
该demo基于unity5.6.0版本下开发 实现局域网内多人联机对战
2019-12-21 21:26:40 4.22MB NetWork Rigidbody 碰碰车 局域网
Networks in your infrastructure set the foundation for how your application can be deployed, maintained, and serviced. Python is the ideal language for network engineers to explore tools that were previously available to systems engineers and application developers. In this second edition of Mastering Python Networking, you’ll embark on a Python-based journey to transition from traditional network engineers to network developers ready for the next-generation of networks. This book begins by reviewing the basics of Python and teaches you how Python can interact with both legacy and API-enabled network devices. As you make your way through the chapters, you will then learn to leverage high-level Python packages and frameworks to perform network engineering tasks for automation, monitoring, management, and enhanced security. In the concluding chapters, you will use Jenkins for continuous network integration as well as testing tools to verify your network.
2019-12-21 21:16:06 15.51MB python networking
Computer Networking_A Top-Down Approach (6th Edition)
2019-12-21 21:13:36 8.61MB Networking
经典计算机网络书籍 Computer Networking - A Top Down Approach第七版, 2017年由epub文件转换成pdf, 比扫描版小很多第七版相对于第六版主要变化有:1. python2的代码全部移植到python32. 网络层的描述分成data plane和control plane两章,介绍了SDN3. 过时的技术删除了,新增了4G, LTE等内容。
2019-12-21 21:10:18 17.46MB computer network networking computer