Modern Control System课后答案
2021-09-17 22:13:48 4.82MB Modern Control System
Unity Modern XR示例 本教程介绍了如何使用Unity的新设置虚拟现实项目。 它具体显示了如何在不使用Unity的任何旧版工具且没有任何第三方资产的情况下做到这一点! 这意味着它非常轻巧,仅需一个脚本即可运行。 完整的教程可以在上找到。
2021-09-17 10:05:24 24.75MB unity augmented-reality unity-tutorial unity3d
英文原版现代控制系统教材答案 答案在手 天下我有
2021-09-16 15:37:39 5.27MB Control Systems solution
2021-09-15 15:55:29 24.39MB ir
Modern Graph Theory.djvu 现代图论 国外研究生数学教材系列——现代图论 内容简介 Graph theory is a young but rapidly maturing subject. Even during the quarter of a century that I lectured on it in Cambridge, it changed considerably, and I have found that there is a clear need for a text which introduces the reader not only to the well-established results, but to many of the newer developments as well. It is hoped that this volume will go some way towards satisfying that need.
2021-09-13 13:26:42 9.6MB graph theory
计算机网络作者 Minix操作系统作者,操作系统原理与实践的另一本不错的书现代操作系统。
2021-09-12 22:14:37 6.25MB Modern Operating Systems TANENBAUM
macOS现代主题 大苏尔 添加了大苏尔版本+图标! macOS Modern是一组Visual Studio Code主题,其样式设计为尽可能与本机macOS匹配。 已更新,以包括深色和浅色版本以及一些最小的图标主题。 如果遇到问题,请重新应用(图标和颜色)两个主题。 我强烈建议使用以下设置以获得最佳效果 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 设置和调整 应当在用户设置中添加一些设置,以真正改变外观以更好地匹配OSX。缩放级别和本机标题栏对VSCode的整体外观产生了巨大的影响。 我也更喜欢隐藏活动栏,可以从“查看”菜单中完成。 强烈推荐 // macOS Modern Tweaks " editor.fontSize " : 12 , " editor.fontFamily " : " SF Mono, Monaco " , " edit
2021-09-08 18:10:14 10.67MB
For physics students interested in the mathematics they use, and for math students interested in seeing how some of the ideas of their discipline find realization in an applied setting. The presentation strikes a balance between formalism and application, between abstract and concrete. The interconnections among the various topics are clarified both by the use of vector spaces ...
2021-09-07 11:03:33 33.8MB Mathematical physics Sadri
Learn the basic properties and designs of modern VLSI devices, as well as the factors affecting performance, with this thoroughly updated second edition. The first edition has been widely adopted as a standard textbook in microelectronics in many major US universities and worldwide. The internationally renowned authors highlight the intricate interdependencies and subtle trade-offs between various practically important device parameters, and provide an in-depth discussion of device scaling and scaling limits of CMOS and bipolar devices. Equations and parameters provided are checked continuously against the reality of silicon data, making the book equally useful in practical transistor design and in the classroom. Every chapter has been updated to include the latest developments, such as MOSFET scale length theory, high-field transport model and SiGe-base bipolar devices.
2021-09-07 08:58:04 32.05MB VLSI
The book is organized in 11 chapters. Chapter 1 summarizes the historical evolution of harmonic oscillators and analysis methods. Chapters 2 to 5 deal with the most important building blocks. Following a discussion of the basic theory on semiconductor devices and large-signal parameters, the most modern devices are chosen as examples. A whole chapter is dedicated to the various types of resonators, an important subject for microstrip applications.
2021-09-06 17:02:04 7.76MB 射频电路 振荡器