2021-10-02 21:38:50 181KB 3DPRINT CLI SLA 三维打印开发
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2021-10-02 13:02:54 10.19MB Vue
2021-10-01 21:51:18 50KB vue-cli axios vue 文件上传
2021-10-01 14:01:40 33.12MB docker
电报云(又名tgcloud) 电报云 通过电报下载和上传文件,使用您的电报帐户作为免费的云存储。 上传器,下载器,爬网程序,Bot 50MB限制绕过器。 上载文件最大1.5GB 从每个对话,群组,频道等下载文件 爬行! 按名称或标题搜索特定文件以下载该文件 你也可以: 将其用于多个帐户,从一个电报帐户下载并上传到另一个帐户,没有任何困难 使用file_id下载文件 向任何用户,频道或聊天发送常规和无提示消息 嗯,这是什么? 这是的python库,可以让您下载,上传和使用CLI上的Telegram帐户进行更多选择的功能。 安装 telegram-cloud需要和作为要求。 $ pip
2021-09-28 21:02:38 165KB telegram telegram-bot telegram-api telegram-cli
主要介绍了vue-cli 打包后提交到线上出现 "Uncaught SyntaxError:Unexpected token" 报错,小编觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,也给大家做个参考。一起跟随小编过来看看吧
本人07年写的快速成型机stl2cli三维模型转换程序,通过国际标准三维模型文件stl(ast)导入,分步骤处理,先对数据导入分层,求轮廓线,求填充线,导出cli欧洲标准3D模型,供快速成型机处理生成模型。 现将此版本含三维图像动态演示源码上传,代码里包含一个半球ast模型,由于鼠标和维纳斯头像模型数据较大,无法上传,需要的可联系我softlxf@163.com 使用方法很简单,菜单功能都可以通过下面按钮实现,首先设置好参数后,通过按钮【STL文件】打开ast模型文件,执行【模型分层】和【生产CLI】后,通过【选择模型】动态演示需要的模型,或使用其它按钮设置模型状态
C++ is the language of choice for thousands of applications and millions of lines of code. With C++/CLI, developers can integrate existing C++ code into the .NET platform without rewriting their applications. This book explores the C++/CLI syntax, teaches how to mix native C++ and managed .NET code, and shows how to integrate C++ with Windows Forms, WPF (Avalon), and WCF (Indigo). Imagine taking a C++-based program you’ve been using for a decade and giving it a snazzy new interface using Windows Presentation Foundation. How about making your old business applications talk to your new ones using Windows Communication Foundation. C++/CLI makes this–and more–possible. C++/CLI in Action shows you how to bridge the gap between your existing C++ code and the .NET platform. C++/CLI in Action will help you if: You’re hesitant to migrate to .NET because it means rewriting code in C# or VB. You have significant C++ expertise that you want to leverage in the .NET. You only need to use pieces of the .NET framework, such as Windows Forms or web services. There’s no fluff here. Designed for readers who already know C++, this book starts by teaching the unique aspects of the C++/CLI language. After a quick tour through the basics, readers work through examples of integrating standard C++ into the .NET-based applications and building programs that mix C++ and .NET code for maximum performance and efficiency.
2021-09-25 20:28:08 17.83MB “C++/CLI in Action” “C++/CLI”
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2021-09-24 18:00:50 141KB redis-cluster redis redis集群 redis-cli
ESP-StepperMotor-Server:通过Web UI,REST API和串行控制界面将ESP32变成完整的步进电机控制服务器
2021-09-16 10:41:10 1.64MB cli rest-api esp32 webapp