在线学习系统是一个以.net进行开发的网络学习平台系统。 北京新启科技在线培训系统主要通过网络进行资源管理、实时教育、在线考试和结果分析,是网络教学评估与传统模式的结合。包含视频、音频、动画、文档等,资源管理、培训考核、在线考试、统计分析是一套
2022-11-04 04:17:05 69.98MB 在线学习系统 v5.0
管家婆 ERP V3 5.0 50用户 破解版下载。很多人都找不到这个程序了。现在提供下载,研究,不得用于商业。 管家婆分销ERPV3 5.0PJ补丁50用户版,欢迎大家测试!!! 在使用本补丁之前先停止IIS,找到安装文件夹下WeWaySoft\Program\Script目录,把补丁覆盖同名文件即可 管家婆分销ERP V3-V5.0 版本新增功能 1、全新的维修管理模块,更好的解决自行维修、送修及上门维修等业务 2、新增多级权限设置功能,对操作员设置权限范围时可选多个节点 3、允许多窗口操作 4、报表中查询条件允许多选 5、单据审核支持每级设置不同的审核原因 6、基本信息分级最大支持10级 老版本升级到V5.0的客户需要注意: 使用4.1以前版本的用户必须先升级到V4.1以后才能升级到V5.0 有维修类单据的用户必须先做年结存或系统重建后才能升级;如有审核流程,必须先删除已设置的审核流程后才可以升级。(升级前请做好数据备份) V5.0官方下载地址: V5.0安装程序: V5.0升级包: V5.0说明书:
2022-11-03 15:11:19 1.08MB ERP 管家婆 V3 5.0
DIContainers is a collection of more than 100 different container classes for Borland / CodeGear Delphi. Four different container structures are available: ◾ Hash containers ◾ Doubly-linked lists ◾ N-ary trees ◾ Vector containers DIContainers is designed with easy customization in mind. Unlike other libraries, it strictly separates a containers' data and structure: ◾ Data describes an individual item in the container, for example an Integer number. The data layer is mostly responsible to manage the item's memory, but also for copying, comparing, and streaming of items. Data items in DIContainers are made up of memory efficient Pascal records. Special item handlers take care to initialize and finalize items automatically as required. ◾ Structure describes the arrangement of items within the container, like linked list, linear vector, etc. The structure determines how quickly items can be added, manipulated and retrieved from the container. Using different item handlers, the same structure can provide for quite different containers (see hierarchy on the right). To create a new container for some type of data, it is often sufficient to reuse an already existing item handler or to create a new item handler for the new type of data. ◾ Type. On top of the general container classes, there are many ready-made containers which interface typed access to their items like strings (WideStrings and AnsiStrings), different Number types, Objects, Pointer, and various combinations of the above. More than 100 of these containers are ready to use straight out of the box. Advanced container operations include cross-container assignment (i.e. from lists to vectors) and cascading streaming. The graphic to the right shows the class hierarchy of containers contained in DIContainers. Bold font marks important classes like item handlers and structure containers. Their descendant classes in regular font provide typed access to their items. The graphic was automatically created from the DIContainers library by one of the demo applications.
2022-11-03 00:17:27 2.97MB DIContainers
U17 介绍 高仿有妖气漫画APP(最新V5.0版本)核心界面功能 高仿有妖气漫画APP开发语言组件:Swift5(Moya+Alamofire、HandyJSON、Kingfisher、SnapKit、MJRefresh) 注:本项目基于旧版本重制界面、接口和功能。仅供Swift开发新手学习和借鉴:beaming_face_with_smiling_eyes:。 本项目已删除Pod源文件,Clone下来后麻烦自己pod install一下哈~ Coding不易,给颗小:glowing_star:吧:thumbs_up:~ 项目截图 GIF 1. 首页 2. 漫画详情 3. 漫画阅读 4. 个人中心 特别鸣谢: spicyShrimp lb2281075105 旧版仿有妖气漫画APP源代码 声明: 仅开源供大家学习使用,禁止从事商业活动,如出现一切法律问题自行承担!!! 仅学习使用,如有侵权,造成影响,请联系本人删除,谢谢。
2022-11-02 16:48:42 38.78MB swift moya snapkit kingfisher
2022-11-01 23:29:16 77KB pylzma pylzma下载
中兴ONUtelnet 1.5.0 中兴光猫开TELNET 使用软件要有一定基础
2022-11-01 22:00:13 564KB 中兴ONUtelnet 中兴 ONUtelnet1.5.0 ONUtelnet
2022-11-01 18:14:43 110KB 注册机编写器
继续上传,我将把自己收藏的众多宝贝逐步奉献给所有喜欢DOS的朋友们,请大家下载收藏。48号是北大 BDDOS 5.0 汉字系统 + PCE 0.2.1,运行正常,但必须运行在 DOS 3.xx 环境下,否则没法使用输入法。
2022-11-01 13:07:48 4.27MB DOS 汉字系统 BDDOS 经典收藏
2022-10-30 23:37:35 1.33MB COSMIC 软件工程 工作量
2022-10-30 09:24:26 66.2MB unity