贝叶斯应用方面教程。 Bayesian analysis of data in the health,social and physical sciences has been greatly facilitated in the last decade by advances in computing power and improved scope for estimation via iterative sampling methods. Yet the Bayesian perspective,which stresses the accumulation ofknowledge about parameters in a synthesis of prior knowledge with the data at hand,has a longer history. Bayesian methods in econometrics,including applications to linear regression,serial correlation in time series,and simultaneous equations,have been developed since the 1960s with the seminal work of Box and Tiao (1973) and Zellner (1971). Early Bayesian applications in physics are exemplified by the work of Jaynes (e.g. Jaynes,1976) and are discussed,along with recent applications, by D?Agostini (1999). Rao (1975) in the context of smoothing exchangeable parameters and Berry (1980) in relation to clinical trials exemplify Bayes reasoning in biostatistics and biometrics, and it is here that many recent advances have occurred.
2021-09-16 20:20:53 3.03MB 贝叶斯 机器学习
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业务建模与数据挖掘 Business Modeling and Data Mining
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“Modeling the Library System”的标准代码,没啥说的,想要就下吧。 一共是八个类:CatalogItem类、Recording类、Book类、BorrowerDatabase类、Catalog类、BorrowedItems类、Borrower类、LibrarySystem类…… 就这样吧……
用Python实现L-LDA模型(标签潜在Dirichlet分配模型) 参考: 标记的LDA:多标签语料库中信用归因的受监管主题模型Daniel Ramage ... 文本分析的参数估计,Gregor Heinrich。 潜在的Dirichlet分配,David M. Blei,Andrew Y. Ng ... 基于Gibbs采样的有效实现 以下描述来自标签LDA:多标签语料库中信用归因的受监督主题模型Daniel Ramage ... 介绍: 标记的LDA是通过定义LDA潜在主题和用户标签之间的一一对应关系来约束潜在Dirichlet分配的主题模型。 带有标签的LDA可以直接学习主题(标签)对应关系。 吉布斯采样: 标记的LDA的图形模型: 标记LDA的生成过程: 吉布斯采样方程式: 用法 新的llda模型 训练 ?is_convergence 更新 推理 将模型保存到
2021-09-09 17:50:13 291KB python python3 topic-modeling python2
本书内容包括直流电机、交流同步电机、交流异步电机和开关磁阻电机的电机驱动建模与控制, 同时还包括理想旋转变压器、通用磁场定向等概念。在内容安排上, 力求逻辑性强、由浅入深、循序渐进。本书立足现代电机驱动系统常用的驱动控制技术, 注重理论性、系统性和先进性的有机统一, 结合典型应用实例, 完整体现各种电机驱动控制技术的结构和控制方式。
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