2021-06-13 21:36:46 28.81MB RFIC MMIC
接受和使用技术的统一理论(UTAUT)已有十多年的历史了,并已广泛用于信息系统(IS)和其他领域,这是对引入该理论证据的原始论文的大量引用。 在本文中,我们回顾并综合了2003年9月至2014年12月间有关UTAUT的IS文献,对UTAUT及其扩展进行了理论分析,并列出了未来的研究议程。 基于Weber(2012)的理论评估框架,我们研究了UTAUT及其在两组质量维度上的扩展。 即理论的一部分和整个理论。 尽管我们的审查确定了UTAUT的许多优点,但我们还发现,与该理论相关的进步阻碍了技术接受和使用研究的进一步理论发展。 为了制定一个能够推动未来重大工作的研究议程,我们使用惠特顿(Whetten,2009)的跨上下文理论概念分析了UTAUT的理论贡献。 我们的分析揭示了一些局限性,使我们提出了一个多层次的框架,可以作为未来研究的理论基础。 具体而言,该框架将研究上下文和跨上下文理论与理论评估框架相集成,以:(1)在研究上下文的维度和层次上综合现有的UTAUT扩展,以及(2)突出有前途的研究方向。 最后,我们使用建议的框架为与UTAUT相关的未来研究提供了建议。
2021-06-11 16:15:49 978KB Theory evaluation technology acceptance
考过PA认证后心情大好,特把学习教材和心得拿出来给大家分享一下。附件是SAP MM 模块PA 认证的教材中并未包括condition technology采购价格条件技术,但是PA考试中肯定会考。所以如果没有业务经验但是想考过的PA的童鞋,不妨下了看看补充一下知识点。
2021-06-09 14:18:27 714KB SAP MM condition technology
Technology Explorer for IBM DB2 是一个轻量级的、基于 Web 的 DB2 控制台,可帮助您使用演示和教程了解 DB2。 TE 从头开始​​设计,易于使用和定制以满足您的需求。
2021-05-31 11:03:17 33.99MB 开源软件
一种面向移动社交网络的云视频分发机制,陆佃杰,胡斌,基于云平台的视频传输网络C-VDNs(Cloud-based Video Delivery Networks)最近获得了相当多的关注。不同于传统的视频分发网络,C-VDNs可以提供可�
2021-05-28 17:41:35 764KB Computer Application Technology
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大数据、虚拟化如火如荼,其中设备虚拟化Directed I/O是虚拟化的一个主要方面,intel这篇文档值得我们借鉴。
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Publisher: Wiley 2010-02-15 | 742 Pages | ISBN: 0470714581 | PDF | 13 MB New and updated edition of this authoritative and comprehensive reference to the field of satellite communications engineering. Building on the success of previous editions, Satellite Communications Systems, Fifth Edition covers the entire field of satellite communications engineering from orbital mechanics to satellite design and launch, configuration and installation of earth stations, including the implementation of communications links and the set-up of the satellite network. This book provides a comprehensive treatment of satellite communications systems engineering and discusses the technological applications. It demonstrates how system components interact and details the relationship between the system and its environment. The authors discuss the systems aspects such as techniques enabling equipment and system dimensioning and state of the art technology for satellite platforms, payloads and earth stations. New features and updates for the fifth edition include: •More information on techniques allowing service provision of multimedia content •Extra material on techniques for broadcasting, including recent standards DVB-RCS and DVB-S2 (Digital Video Broadcasting -Return Channel Satellite and -Satellite Version 2) •Updates on onboard processing By offering a detailed and practical overview, Satellite Communications Systems continues to be an authoritative text for advanced students, engineers and designers throughout the field of satellite communications and engineering.
2021-05-20 23:12:36 14.24MB 卫星 通信 系统 Communication
Kilian - Modern Control Technology - Components and Systems-Cengage (2000).pdf
2021-05-18 14:02:28 8.26MB 现代控制
Game Development and Simulation with Unreal Technology explores the use of Unreal Engine 4 (UE4) for the development of real-time digital interactive contents to be used in computerized games or simulations. The engine is considered in three main iterations: from the basic use of the engine to build games and simulation content out of the box, to intermediate design of interactive content by building on the pre-supplied contents from the base engine, and through advanced implementations geared toward a comprehensive understanding of the power of the Unreal Engine. This is one of the first books on developing interactive content for games, entertainment, and simulation to cover the newly released UE4. Industry-level game concepts in level design, coding, and programming, networking, and multiplayer concepts are covered. The book presents beginner- through advanced-level concepts in designing and developing games with the Unreal Engine 4. It includes small/mid-scale projects developed as concept examples throughout the book, which can be used in more comprehensive and entertaining interactive computer simulations and games. The book is organized into three parts. Part 1 covers the basics of the unreal engine, including an overview of each subcomponent of the engine, an overview of the UE4 project templates, and the main features each provides. Part 2 delves into more advanced topics in the new UE4 material pipeline, including layered materials and different shading models. Part 3 walks you through the steps of building your own games with UE4. It also provides advanced coverage of Blueprint systems in UE4. Each chapter includes do-it-yourself extensions to the concept modules presented to solidify your understanding of the concepts and techniques. Exercises and summaries are also included at the end of each chapter to help take your understanding of Unreal Engine 4 to the next level. Table of Contents SECTION I Unreal Technology Basics: Introductory Development T
2021-05-07 10:12:51 7.89MB Unreal Game Development