Programming the Raspberry Pi_ Getting Started with Python Programming the Raspberry Pi_ Getting Started with Python
2021-08-02 09:36:15 15.5MB python
英文原版,数字版,无水印,有目录,第二版。 Raspberry Pi Cookbook: Software and Hardware Problems and Solutions 2nd Edition With millions of new users and several new models, the Raspberry Pi ecosystem continues to expand—along with a lot of new questions about the Pi’s capabilities. The second edition of this popular cookbook provides more than 240 hands-on recipes for running this tiny low-cost computer with Linux, programming it with Python, and hooking up sensors, motors, and other hardware—including Arduino and the Internet of Things. Prolific hacker and author Simon Monk also teaches basic principles to help you use new technologies with Raspberry Pi as its ecosystem continues to develop. This cookbook is ideal for programmers and hobbyists familiar with the Pi through resources, including Getting Started with Raspberry Pi . Python and other code examples from the book are available on GitHub. Set up your Raspberry Pi and connect to a network Work with its Linux-based operating system Program Raspberry Pi with Python Give your Pi "eyes" with computer vision Control hardware through the GPIO connector Use Raspberry Pi to run different types of motors Work with switches, keypads, and other digital inputs Use sensors to measure temperature, light, and distance Connect to IoT devices in various ways Create dynamic projects with Arduino About the Author Dr. Simon Monk has a degree in Cybernetics and Computer Science and a PhD in Software Engineering. Simon spent several years as an academic before he returned to industry, co-founding the mobile software company Momote Ltd. He has been an active electronics hobbyist since his early teens. Simon is now a full time author and his books include 'Getting Started with IOIO', '30 Arduino Projects for the Evil Genius', '15 Dangerously Mad Projects for the Evil Genius' and 'Arduino + Android Projects for the Evil Genius'. Product details Paperback: 510 pages Publisher: O' Media; 2 edition
2021-08-02 09:27:30 122.82MB Respberrypi
Raspberry Pi with Java: Programming the Internet of Things (IoT) fills an important gap in knowledge between seasoned Java developers and embedded-hardware gurus, taking a project-based approach to skills development from which both hobbyists and professionals can learn. By starting with simple projects based on open-source libraries such as Pi4J, hobbyists can get immediate results without a significant investment in time or hardware.,解压密码
2021-08-02 09:17:59 18.51MB 英文
[Exploring Raspberry Pi 2016],是一本电子书,跟树莓派开发板v3是匹配的,用它开发过蓝牙串口透传 。
2021-07-31 10:46:23 19.24MB Raspberry
NumPy 1.18.2 for Raspberry Pi 3B & 4B for Python 3.7, with Ubuntu 19.10 and later ARM 64-bit system.
2021-07-27 11:37:36 14.85MB Raspberry Pi ARM64 NumPy
pir-bullet Raspberry Pi PIR 入侵者警报通过 Push Bullet 这将使用 raspberry pi cam 拍照,然后通过 pushbullet 将照片发送到您的手机、mac 或 pc 要求 sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install python-setuptools python-picamera python-rpi.gpio -y sudo easy_install pip sudo pip install websocket-client requests python-magic sudo pip install 您还需要一个来自的 pushbullet 帐户 配置 您需要将 pushbullet API 密钥放入 pir
2021-07-21 12:10:25 1KB Python
步进电机和伺服电机用于控制空调叶片和百叶窗的运动。 该模型获取所需目标的位置,将位置转换为电机角度,然后控制电机。 Simulink 不提供内置的步进电机控制块,因此必须构建控制。 然后,该模型将角度发送到另一个SimScape多体仿真,以更新仿真的模型。
2021-07-19 09:23:56 41KB matlab
树莓派_HDR 使用 Raspberry Pi 相机创建 HDR 图像的自动化脚本
2021-07-13 16:36:06 19KB Python
33Mudy961bUk9zz35p68g9fE3uuHLRduRp 目录 链接 购买和组装的东西 电子五金件 帧 连接资料并校准伺服 他人叉 配置和校准 样品用量 链接 买和组装的东西 电子硬件的东西 我买了一堆东西,这是最重要的东西: 帧 螺钉和螺母是您可以从本地硬件商店购买的3M螺钉和螺母。 您可以用激光切割或3D打印Arcbotic的Hexapod框架,因为它们以DXF和STL格式开源文件。 我用了一块5mm的丙烯酸板。 连接资料并校准伺服 Adafruit提供了有关如何将驱动程序以及所有与Arduino和Raspberry Pi连接的良好教程。 大型Raspberry Pi 2B和3
2021-07-09 10:18:12 15KB raspberry-pi robotics adafruit hexapod
“ Ramudroid”项目旨在使用计算机视觉和自动机器人来瞄准垃圾和清洁路边,以保持当地清洁。 硬件组件旨在驱动道路/车道/小巷/变窄的道路,并提起小垃圾物,例如塑料杯,包装纸,树叶等。 它具有无线连接。 有一个摄像头可以对环境进行实时图像感测 Ramudroid的硬件 组件清单 处理与微控制器 Raspberry Pi 3B + / 4作为中央处理单元 运行Web服务以接收远程导航命令 为webrtc运行uv4l流服务器 opencv远程对象识别 Arduino Uno作为微控制器 在串行接口上​​从Rpi接收命令 运动和清洁控制电机 驱动单元 Pi NoIR Camera V2对象和障碍物检测,使用通过MMAL和V4L API访问的Sony IMX219 8百万像素传感器, 电机驱动器L298电机驱动器 电源Lipo电池11.1 V或太阳能电池板连接12 V 清洁单元 有刷马
2021-07-06 13:17:06 17.26MB raspberry-pi opencv arduino streaming