2023-01-10 11:06:06 857KB Programming Guide
Programming the world wide web 第8版
2023-01-07 02:51:24 37.99MB world wide web
This text develops a comprehensive theory of programming languages based on type systems and structural operational semantics. Language concepts are precisely defined by their static and dynamic semantics, presenting the essential tools both intuitively and rigorously while relying on only elementary mathematics. These tools are used to analyze and prove properties of languages and provide the framework for combining and comparing language features. The broad range of concepts includes fundamental data types such as sums and products, polymorphic and abstract types, dynamic typing, dynamic dispatch, subtyping and refinement types, symbols and dynamic classification, parallelism and cost semantics, and concurrency and distribution. The methods are directly applicable to language implementation, to the development of logics for reasoning about programs, and to the formal verification language properties such as type safety. This thoroughly revised second edition includes exercises at the end of nearly every chapter and a new chapter on type refinements. Table of Contents Part I Judgments and Rules Chapter 1 Abstract Syntax Chapter 2 Inductive Definitions Chapter 3 Hypothetical and General Judgments Part II Statics and Dynamics Chapter 4 Statics Chapter 5 Dynamics Chapter 6 Type Safety Chapter 7 Evaluation Dynamics Part III Total Functions Chapter 8 Function Definitions and Values Chapter 9 System T of Higher-Order Recursion Part IV Finite Data Types Chapter 10 Product Types Chapter 11 Sum Types Part V Types and Propositions Chapter 12 Constructive Logic Chapter 13 Classical Logic Part VI Infinite Data Types Chapter 14 Generic Programming Chapter 15 Inductive and Coinductive Types Part VII Variable Types Chapter 16 System F of Polymorphic Types Chapter 17 Abstract Types Chapter 18 Higher Kinds Part VIII Partiality and Recursive Types Chapter 19 System PCF of Recursive Functions Chapter 20 System FPC of Recursive Types Part IX Dynamic Types Chapter 21 The Untyped λ-Calculus Chapter 22 Dynamic Typing Chapter 23 Hybrid Typing Part X Subtyping Chapter 24 Structural Subtyping Chapter 25 Behavioral Typing Chapter Part XI Dynamic Dispatch Chapter 26 Classes and Methods Chapter 27 Inheritance Part XII Control Flow Chapter 28 Control Stacks Chapter 29 Exceptions Chapter 30 Continuations Part XIII Symbolic Data Chapter 31 Symbols Chapter 32 Fluid Binding Chapter 33 Dynamic Classification Part XIV Mutable State Chapter 34 Modernized Algol Chapter 35 Assignable References Chapter 36 Lazy Evaluation Part XV Parallelism Chapter 37 Nested Parallelism Chapter 38 Futures and Speculations Part XVI Concurrency and Distribution Chapter 39 Process Calculus Chapter 40 Concurrent Algol Chapter 41 Distributed Algol Part XVII Modularity Chapter 42 Modularity and Linking Chapter 43 Singleton Kinds and Subkinding Chapter 44 Type Abstractions and Type Classes Chapter 45 Hierarchy and Parameterization Chapter Part XVIII Equational Reasoning Chapter 46 Equality for System T Chapter 47 Equality for System PCF Chapter 48 Parametricity Chapter 49 Process Equivalence Appendix A Background on Finite Sets
2023-01-06 16:36:56 28.77MB Programming Languages
Apress, 2010 ,如何用.net来实现并行计算,本书将带你一探究竟 Parallel programming has been revolutionised in .NET 4 providing, for the first time, a standardised and simplified method for creating robust, scalable and reliable multi-threaded applications. The Parallel Programming features of .NET 4 allow the programmer to create applications that harness the power of multi-core and multi-processor machines. Simpler to use and more powerful than “classic” .NET threads, parallel programming allows the developer to remain focused on the work an application needs to perform. In Pro .NET 4 Parallel Programming in C#, Adam Freeman presents expert advice that guides you through the process of creating concurrent C# applications from the ground up. You’ll be introduced to .NET’s parallel programming features, both old and new, discover the key functionality that has been introduced in .NET 4, and learn how you can take advantage of the power of multi-core and multi-processor machines with ease. Pro .NET 4 Parallel Programming in C# is a reliable companion that will remain with you as you explore the parallel programming universe, elegantly and comprehensively explaining all aspects of parallel programming, guiding you around potential pitfalls and providing clear-cut solutions to the common problems that you will encounter. What you’ll learn * Develop scalable and robust parallel applications in C#. * Design, test and use parallel algorithms and data structures. * Understand and implement common parallel design patterns. * Avoid common anti-patterns and problems. * Use Visual Studio to verify and debug parallel applications. amazon link:
2023-01-05 23:25:06 4.63MB .net c# pdf Apress
2023-01-04 17:23:05 7.16MB Game 游戏 编程 模式
本书最近好好地研究过了,这里终于要介绍Andrei Alexandrescu了,他是Real公司的项目经理,是GP模板技术的天才,他的高深模板技术影响 了BOOST以及全世界的模板怪杰,本书中他介绍他的库Loki,虽然库十分激进没有实际用途,当时展现的绚烂的特技令人叹服!同时本书是设计 模式用范型实现的经典展现,以及Policy设计模式在其中的极致应用,直接影响了BOOST的adaptor设计(7个Policy)甚至影响了标准库的智能 指针项目(虽然最后被否认了,当时绝对是完美的实现方法)
2023-01-01 23:50:46 13.82MB C++
Author: Francois Louveaux, John R. Birge Publisher: Springer (2000) Binding: Hardcover, 448 pages pricer: $119.00 ISBN-10: 0387982175 editorialreviews The aim of stochastic programming is to find optimal decisions in problems which involve uncertain data. This field is currently developing rapidly with contributions from many disciplines including operations research, mathematics, and probability. Conversely, it is being applied in a wide variety of subjects ranging from agriculture to financial planning and from industrial engineering to computer networks. This textbook provides a first course in stochastic programming suitable for students with a basic knowledge of linear programming, elementary analysis, and probability. The authors aim to present a broad overview of the main themes and methods of the subject. Its prime goal is to help students develop an intuition on how to model uncertainty into mathematical problems, what uncertainty changes bring to the decision process, and what techniques help to manage uncertainty in solving the problems. The first chapters introduce some worked examples of stochastic programming and demonstrate how a stochastic model is formally built. Subsequent chapters develop the properties of stochastic programs and the basic solution techniques used to solve them. Three chapters cover approximation and sampling techniques and the final chapter presents a case study in depth. A wide range of students from operations research, industrial engineering, and related disciplines will find this a well-paced and wide-ranging introduction to this subject.
2023-01-01 10:57:49 6.57MB stochastic programming
MATLAB A Practical Introduction to Programming 4th 英文文字版 作者:Stormy Attaway,美国波士顿大学。
2022-12-22 21:33:23 34.76MB MATLAB
《Head First HTML5 Programming 中文版 》内容简介:你可能想创建具有动态性 交互性 包含丰富数据而且互连的Web页面 先等一下 Web页面 为什么不用HTML5创建成熟的Web应用呢 另外 为什么不使用现代技术 像在移动设备上一样轻松地应用到桌面浏览器呢 当然 你肯定希望使用最新的HTML5技术来完成 比如地理定位 视频 2D绘制 Web存储 Web工作线程等 是不是 《Head First HTML5 Programming 中文版 》就是你的车票 拿到这张车票 你就能轻松地学习如何使用当前的标准和将来的最佳实践来构建Web应用 当然 在这本书中你会了解HTML5新API的基础知识 更妙的是 还将学习这些API如何与你的页面交互 JavaScript如何为这些API助一臂之力 以及如何使用这些API来构建让你的老板和朋友对你刮目相看的Web应用 ">《Head First HTML5 Programming 中文版 》内容简介:你可能想创建具有动态性 交互性 包含丰富数据而且互连的Web页面 先等一下 Web页面 为什么不用HTML5创建成熟的Web应用呢 另外 为什么不使用现代技术 像在移动设备上一样
2022-12-22 18:25:24 62.92MB Head First HTML5
Programming for the Puzzled Learn to Program While Solving Puzzles 英文epub 本资源转载自网络,如有侵权,请联系上传者或csdn删除 查看此书详细信息请在美国亚马逊官网搜索此书
2022-12-20 19:04:20 18.91MB Programming Puzzled Learn Program