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2019-12-21 21:22:50 35.42MB 区块链
hyperledger-fabric-linux-amd64-1.1.0 最新版, RAR解压后传入LINUX中即可
2019-12-21 21:16:27 27.59MB hyperledger fabric 1.1.0
区块链开发:HyperLedger(超级账本)Fabric 视频+课件+源码 交流群:613121183
2019-12-21 21:14:02 189B HyperLedger 超级账本 Fabric 区块链开发
Hands-On Blockchain with Hyperledger pdf Leverage the power of Hyperledger Fabric to develop Blockchain-based distributed ledgers with ease Key Features Write your own chaincode/smart contracts using Golang on hyperledger network Build and deploy decentralized applications (DApps) Dive into real world blockchain challenges such as integration and scalability Book Description BBlockchain and Hyperledger technologiesare hot topics today. Hyperledger Fabric and Hyperledger Composer are open source projects that help organizations create private, permissioned blockchain networks. These find application in finance, banking, supply chain, and IoT among several other sectors. This book will be an easy reference to explore and build blockchain networks using Hyperledger technologies. The book starts by outlining the evolution of blockchain, including an overview of relevant blockchain technologies. You will learn how to configure Hyperledger Fabric and become familiar with its architectural components. Using these components, you will learn to build private blockchain networks, along with the applications that connect to them. Starting from principles first, you’ll learn to design and launch a network, implement smart contracts in chaincode and much more. By the end of this book, you will be able to build and deploy your own decentralized applications, handling the key pain points encountered in the blockchain life cycle. What you will learn Discover why blockchain is a game changer in the technology landscape Set up blockchain networks using basic Hyperledger Fabric deployment Understand the considerations for creating decentralized applications Learn to integrate business networks with existing systems Write Smart Contracts quickly with Hyperledger Composer Design transaction model and chaincode with Golang Deploy Composer REST Gateway to access the Composer transactions Maintain, monitor, and govern your blockchain solutions Who this book is for The book benefits
2019-12-21 21:07:23 12.27MB hyperledger 区块链 golang
2019-12-21 20:50:14 2.49MB 区块链 fabric explorer hyperledger
按照HyperLedger/Fabric提示执行的命令是无法运行起first-network这个项目,该demo需要先下载 Platform-specific Binaries(特定的二进制文件)
2019-12-21 19:59:47 17.83MB cryptogen configtxgen
Land-network网络由两个组织组成:Org1和Org2。组织Org1使用域名org1.example.com。会员服务提供商(MSP)Org1被称为Org1MSP。组织Org2使用域名org2.example.com。MSP for Org2被称为Org2MSP。在本教程中,您将部署一个blockchain业务网络,无论是组织Org1,Org2并能与之交互。 两台机器分别是VM1(和VM2(。Composer版本采用0.20.5,Hyperledger Fabric的版本采用1.3. VM1( orderer.example.com,ca.org1.example.com,peer0.org1.example.com,couchdb0,peer1.org1.example.com,couchdb1,mongo,landTransaction,loginapp VM2( ca.org1.example.com,peer0.org2.example.com,couchdb0,peer1.org2.example.com,couchdb1,mongo,landTransaction,loginapp
2019-12-21 19:54:35 291KB Hyperledger Composer  多机部署
2019-12-21 19:39:32 64B golang HyperLedger Ebay 智能合约
Hyperledger Fabric 超级账本视频教程,区块链入门教程。
2019-12-21 19:39:15 1KB Hyperledger Fabric  超级账本 视频教程
Hyperledger Fabric默认使用solo共识,实际上它早就已经支持kafka共识,只是配置相对复杂点儿。该资源就是使用kafka共识的多orderer集群环境下的网络所需要使用的配置文件。你也可以参考下文帮您理解:http://blog.csdn.net/binbinxyz/article/details/79491254
2019-12-21 19:28:46 7KB Hyperledger Fabric kafka orderer