System Dynamics_ Modeling, Simulation, and Control of Mechatronic Systems, Fifth Edition (2012)_ Modeling, Simulation, and Control of Mechatronic Systems, Fifth Edition (2012) 经典电子书
2021-05-24 15:05:15 4.87MB System Dynamics Modeling Mechatronic
Mircorsoft Dynamics Ax2012 中文开发手册,提供AX2012从开发入门到进阶的详细说明,一个很好用的工具书
2021-05-16 12:05:36 4.69MB Dynamics AX AX2012 Microsoft
DDD 新一代3D离散位错动力学代码。 位错动力学是一个复杂的领域,具有巨大的进入障碍。 该项目的目的是创建一个代码库,该代码库是: 易于使用。 易于维护。 易于开发。 模块化的。 愚蠢的证明。 有据可查并经过测试。 表演者。 易于并行化。 功能清单 建立规则的长方体网格。 比Matlab快10倍以上。 组角,边和面。 加载条件。 边界条件的结构。 生成边界条件的过程。 悬臂边界条件。 加载功能。 力量 规则长方体网格的Peach-Koehler力。 比Matlab快10倍。 无限域的Peach-Koehler力( σHat是输入而不是通过FEM计算)。 O(N^2)节段力。 比C快约1.1倍。 序列号 CPU并行化 自我力量。 比Matlab快10倍。 拓扑结构 内部重新整理。 网格细化。 比Matlab快100倍以上。 网格变
2021-05-09 22:35:46 7.86MB dislocation-dynamics Julia
From its roots in classical mechanics and reliance on stability theory to the evolution of practical stabilization ideas, this volume covers environmental torques encountered in space; energy dissipation; motion equations for four archetypical systems; orientation parameters; illustrations of key concepts with on-orbit flight data; and typical engineering hardware. 1986 edition.
2021-05-04 23:28:42 20.26MB 飞行器 姿态动力学
Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos_ With Applications to Physics, Biology, Chemistry, and Engineering (3rd) 进行非线性方向研究的经典资料。
2021-04-29 01:32:31 23.7MB 非线性理论
2021-04-27 13:02:55 92.25MB matlab 运动仿真
The operational properties of the road vehicle are the result of the dynamic interaction of the various components of the vehicle structure possibly including modern control elements. A major role is played by the pneumatic tyre. “The complexity of the structure and behaviour of the tyre are such that no complete and satisfactory theory has yet been propounded. The characteristics of the tyre still presents a challenge to the natural philosopher to devise a theory which shall coordinate the vast mass of empirical data and give some guidance to the manufacturer and user. This is an inviting field for the application of mathematics to the physical world”. In this way, Temple formulated his view on the situation almost 50 years ago (Endeavor, October 1956). Since that time, in numerous institutes and laboratories, the work of the early investigators has been continued. Considerable progress in the development of the theory of tyre mechanics has been made during the past decades. This has led to better understanding of tyre behaviour and in its role as a vehicle component. Thanks to new and more refined experimental techniques and to the introduction of the electronic computer, the goal of formulating and using more realistic mathematical models of the tyre in a wide range of operational conditions has been achieved. From the point of view of the vehicle dynamicist, the mechanical behaviour of the tyre needs to be investigated systematically in terms of its reaction to various inputs associated with wheel motions and road conditions. It is convenient to distinguish between symmetric and anti-symmetric (in-plane and out-of-plane) modes of operation. In the first type of mode, the tyre supports the load and cushions the vehicle against road irregularities while longitudinal driving or braking forces are transmitted from the road to the wheel. In the second mode of operation, the tyre generates lateral, cornering or camber, forces to provide the necessary directional contr
2021-04-22 14:10:46 8.02MB Tyre and Vehicle Dynamics
ERP, 微软 X++开发, AX开发指南。此文档是中文。
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( The Dynamical Behaviour of Structures_G.B.Warburton.pdf )
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the book for attitude control and design
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