Example description
This Demo provides a description of how to use the USB-FS-Device on the STM32F10xxx,
STM32F37xxx, STM32F30xxx and STM32L15xxx devices.
The STM32 device is enumerated as HID compliant device, that uses the native PC
Host USB-FS-Device HID driver.
To test the example, you need to:
1)- Start the "USB HID Demonstrator" PC applet and connect STM32 USB to PC
2)- The device should be detected and shown in the USB HID target box
3)- Press Graphic View button
4)- You can Select "use SET_FEATURE" or "use SET_REPORT" in order to use SET_REPORT request to send HID Report
for LED control
5)- Make sure that following report ID are configured: LED1 ID (0x1) , LED2 ID(0x2),
LED3 ID(0x3), LED4 ID(0x4), and BUTTON1_ID(0x5)
6)- Select Leds to switch on/off on the EVAL board => a SET_REPORT request will be sent
More details about this Demo implementation is given in the User manual
"UM0424 STM32F10xxx USB development kit", available for download from the ST
microcontrollers website: www.st.com/stm32