编译原理经典龙书第二版的PDF电子版本,此书太经典了,以至于国内的编译原理教材大部分都是抄袭的这本书的,此资源是中英文双版本,英文是第二版,中文是第一版,我想,对大家的学习会很有帮助。 共有5个包,前四个包已经给出,第五个包名称为:“编译原理经典“龙书”第二版 Compilers,Principles,Techniques,&Tools ( 中文名:编译原理技术与工具 ) 中英文双版本”,不是我不想给第5个包改名,是因为CSDN的系统似乎除了问题,我怎么也改不了,敬请谅解。
2021-06-06 16:46:52 14.97MB 编译原理 龙书 compiler 中英文对照
最新版的Data Mining: Practical Machine Learning Tools and Techniques,Weka的配套教材
2021-06-02 13:31:08 10.24MB DataMining WEKA Java
具有通信安全约束的分布式实时嵌入式系统协同设计技术 [29]Co-design techniques for distributed real-time embedded systems with communication security constraints
2021-06-02 09:03:41 765KB 汽车网络安全
本国际标准为使用马尔可夫技术建模和分析系统以及评估可靠性,可用性,可维护性和安全措施提供了指导。 该标准适用于必须分析表现出与状态相关的行为的系统的所有行业。 该标准涵盖的马尔可夫技术假定恒定的与时间无关的状态转换速率。 这种技术通常被称为齐次马尔可夫技术。
2021-05-27 13:02:44 28.44MB iec 61165 马尔可夫 Markov
《编译原理》(Compilers:Principles,Techniques,and Tools 2nd
2021-05-26 18:01:31 10.85MB 编译原理 Compilers
Compilers Principles Techniques and Tools (2nd Edition) 英文版 共1038页 编译原理-传说中的“龙书”
2021-05-24 16:32:02 12.26MB 编译原理 龙书
Publisher: Wiley 2010-02-15 | 742 Pages | ISBN: 0470714581 | PDF | 13 MB New and updated edition of this authoritative and comprehensive reference to the field of satellite communications engineering. Building on the success of previous editions, Satellite Communications Systems, Fifth Edition covers the entire field of satellite communications engineering from orbital mechanics to satellite design and launch, configuration and installation of earth stations, including the implementation of communications links and the set-up of the satellite network. This book provides a comprehensive treatment of satellite communications systems engineering and discusses the technological applications. It demonstrates how system components interact and details the relationship between the system and its environment. The authors discuss the systems aspects such as techniques enabling equipment and system dimensioning and state of the art technology for satellite platforms, payloads and earth stations. New features and updates for the fifth edition include: •More information on techniques allowing service provision of multimedia content •Extra material on techniques for broadcasting, including recent standards DVB-RCS and DVB-S2 (Digital Video Broadcasting -Return Channel Satellite and -Satellite Version 2) •Updates on onboard processing By offering a detailed and practical overview, Satellite Communications Systems continues to be an authoritative text for advanced students, engineers and designers throughout the field of satellite communications and engineering.
2021-05-20 23:12:36 14.24MB 卫星 通信 系统 Communication
Parsing Techniques, 2nd Edition_含目录.pdf, 带目录的版本
2021-05-17 10:06:08 5.37MB 编译器
Resolution Enhancement Techniques in Optical Lithography
2021-05-16 09:49:25 3.88MB Optical