超级SQL注入工具【SSQLInjection】V1.0 正式版 20181221
2021-10-13 11:19:41 599KB sql
“网站啄木鸟”通过本地检测技术与远程检测技术相结合,对您的网站进行全面的、深入的、彻底的风险评估,综合性的规则库(本地漏洞库、ActiveX库、网页木马库、网站代码审计规则库等)以及业界最为领先的智能化爬虫技术及SQL注入状态检测技术,使得相比国内外同类产品智能化程度更高,速度更快,结果更准确。 经过数百个用户的实践证明,“网站啄木鸟”是Web安全性价比最高的产品,相比国外的Web安全扫描产品来说,速度快,具备紧密跟踪国内最新网页木马的快速响应及更新能力;相比国内的Web安全扫描产品来说,功能多,结果准,不含恶意软件和广告软件,代码干净,值得信赖。 对于中等规模的网站,国外的同类产品扫描时间在2个小时左右,而“网站啄木鸟”仅需要20分钟的时间。 从结果分析来看,国外的同类产品在漏洞判断上通常会有上千条的报警,但这里面不全是真正能成功的注入点,会产生大量的噪音,给管理员带来很大的压力。而“网站啄木鸟”仅报告真正意义上风险点,让管理员更能集中精力来解决问题。
2021-10-11 09:35:27 7.98MB WebPecker
2021-10-08 19:11:15 450KB 中科大 信息安全导论 实验报告
2021-10-08 19:02:15 3.66MB SQL注入相关实验报告
SQLol Released at Austin Hackers Association meeting 0x3f Daniel Crowley http://www.trustwave.com INTRODUCTION ============ ***WARNING: SQLol IS INTENTIONALLY VULNERABLE. DO NOT USE ON A PRODUCTION WEB SERVER. DO NOT EXPOSE SQLol IN AN UNTRUSTED ENVIRONMENT.*** SQLol is a configurable SQL injection testbed. SQLol allows you to exploit SQL injection flaws, but furthermore allows a large amount of control over the manifestation of the flaw. To better understand why SQLol exists, please read the sonnet below: I humbly posit that the current state (With much respect to work which does precede) Of test-beds made with vulns to demonstrate Is lacking some in flexibility. Two options are presented present-day, As far as when one deals with S-Q-L: A blind injection (bool or time delay) And UNION statement hax (oh gee, how swell…) Imagine we could choose how queries read And how our input sanitizes, oh! How nimble and specific we could be To recreate our ‘sploit scenarios. And thus is S-Q-L-O-L conceived: That we can study how to pwn DBs. Options: Type of query Location within query Type and level of sanitization Level of query output Verbosity of error messages Visibility of query Injection string entry point Other cool things: Reset button Challenges Support for multiple database systems REQUIREMENTS ============ PHP 5.x Web server Database server (MySQL, PostgreSQL and SQLite have been tested, others may work) ADODB library (included) USAGE ===== Place the SQLol source files on your Web server and open in a Web browser. Modify the configuration file #sqlol_directory#/includes/database.config.php to point to your installed database server. Use the resetbutton.php script to write the SQLol database, then start playing! COPYRIGHT ========= SQLol - A configurable SQL injection testbed Daniel "unicornFurnace" Crowley Copyright (C) 2012 Trustwave Holdings, Inc. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
2021-10-01 16:45:31 699KB SQL注入测试平台 SQLol
sql注入攻击测试工具,内有好几个注入工具,小心360. sql注入攻击测试工具,内有好几个注入工具,小心360.
2021-10-01 12:31:18 6.52MB sql注入攻击测试工具
2021-09-28 00:02:20 871KB SQL注入 SQL注入点检测 扫描web注入点
C# MVC 过滤器防止SQL注入
2021-09-24 15:02:24 5KB SQL注入 MVC过滤器防止SQL注入
在新版PHPStudy中可以使用的sqli_labs SQL注入靶机。 直接解压压缩包,然后把安装包放在WWW根目录下。 找到\phpstudy_pro\WWW\Sqli_Edited_Version-master\sqlilabs\sql-connections找到这个目录下的db-creds.inc 文件。然后把数据库密码填进去,例如:我的数据库密码为root,则改为:$dbpass ='root';
2021-09-22 13:49:52 3.53MB SQL注入
Havij 1.15 PRO 注册名:Cracked@By.Exidous 注册文件包含在压缩包中
2021-09-20 23:09:55 2.9MB Havij SQL注入