动易 SmartSchool.Professional_5.0.0 破解免狗版动易
2022-03-22 14:20:46 14.84MB 动易
Devart UniDAC 代表通用数据访问组件,包括用于直接访问 Delphi、 C++ Builder和 Lazarus 下的各种数据库的工具。使用这个套件,程序员可以在没有中介的情况下交流和管理他的数据库。 主要组件有ODAC(Oracle数据访问组件),SDAC(SQL Server数据访问组件),MyDAC(MySQL数据访问)包括IBDAC组件(InterBase 和 Firebird 数据访问组件)、PgDAC 组件(PostgreSQL 数据访问组件)和 LiteDAC 组件(SQLite 数据访问组件)。 此软件仅供学习及测试,不得用于商业用途。
2022-03-20 23:01:01 107.53MB UniDAC Delphi
Recover4all 是一款强大的数据恢复软件。每个人一定都有曾不小心误删文件与目录的经验,通常要恢复误删文件有时是相当困难的,不妨先试试 Recover 4 all 看看,它能将刚刚所删除的文件找出来,但必须在 Windows 下所删除的文件,它才能找出并挽救回来。 该版本可以运行于 Win9x/Me/NT/2000/XP/7 等操作系统下,帮助你在这些操作操作中恢复删除的文件。程序退出时有一个错误提示,这是由脱壳造成的,目前还没有找到解决的办法,不过,不影响使用。 功能特点 1.支持移动磁盘的数据恢复工作。 2.可以恢复整个目录,不但支持NTFS而且支持FAT格式下的长文件名恢复。 3.全盘扫描非常迅速,极少软件的速度能够与其比拟。 4.去广告绿化 5.支持空文件的扫描和恢复。 6.双击导入reg注册表文件即可注册。此文件必须导入,才能使用完整功能。
2022-03-20 10:09:10 3.02MB 恢复 删除 文件
Flowcode Professional PIC 4.3.7 流程图编程软件注册机
2022-03-17 23:30:46 66KB Flowcode Professional PIC 4.3.7
好用的日语词典工具软件,这是目前最新的专业版本,很不好找的。 从perfect dark上下载下来的。 官方网站如下: http://ebstudio.info/
2022-03-16 13:45:47 14.1MB EBPocket Android 安卓
1、下载所有压缩包分卷,用haozip解压压缩包 2、After several months of sprinting along with Microsoft's agile cadence for Visual Studio 2015, today DevPartner offers to the market DevPartner Studio 11.3. Devpartner Studio packs a set of tools together for code troubleshooting for the professional developer. The 11.3 release tackles the latest Microsoft development platform Visual Studio 2015 and Operating System Windows 10, while keeping true to its BoundsChecker roots set in native development. Full Support for Microsoft Visual Studio 2015. Great for anyone evaluating or migrating to the latest Microsoft IDE. DevPartner Studio still handles VS2005, VS2008, VS2010, VS2012 and VS2013. Both 64-bit and 32-bit applications, making it easy for developers to migrate and troubleshoot multiple versions of their code. Full Support for Microsoft Windows 10 x86 and x64. .NET 4.6 support across C#, VB, and web. Great for anyone evaluating or migrating to the latest Microsoft .NET applications, especially for mixed .NET plus native architectures.
2022-03-16 11:59:03 60MB DevPartner C++
1、下载所有压缩包分卷,用haozip解压压缩包 2、After several months of sprinting along with Microsoft's agile cadence for Visual Studio 2015, today DevPartner offers to the market DevPartner Studio 11.3. Devpartner Studio packs a set of tools together for code troubleshooting for the professional developer. The 11.3 release tackles the latest Microsoft development platform Visual Studio 2015 and Operating System Windows 10, while keeping true to its BoundsChecker roots set in native development. Full Support for Microsoft Visual Studio 2015. Great for anyone evaluating or migrating to the latest Microsoft IDE. DevPartner Studio still handles VS2005, VS2008, VS2010, VS2012 and VS2013. Both 64-bit and 32-bit applications, making it easy for developers to migrate and troubleshoot multiple versions of their code. Full Support for Microsoft Windows 10 x86 and x64. .NET 4.6 support across C#, VB, and web. Great for anyone evaluating or migrating to the latest Microsoft .NET applications, especially for mixed .NET plus native architectures.
2022-03-16 11:57:54 60MB DevPartner C++
1、下载所有压缩包分卷,用haozip解压压缩包 2、After several months of sprinting along with Microsoft's agile cadence for Visual Studio 2015, today DevPartner offers to the market DevPartner Studio 11.3. Devpartner Studio packs a set of tools together for code troubleshooting for the professional developer. The 11.3 release tackles the latest Microsoft development platform Visual Studio 2015 and Operating System Windows 10, while keeping true to its BoundsChecker roots set in native development. Full Support for Microsoft Visual Studio 2015. Great for anyone evaluating or migrating to the latest Microsoft IDE. DevPartner Studio still handles VS2005, VS2008, VS2010, VS2012 and VS2013. Both 64-bit and 32-bit applications, making it easy for developers to migrate and troubleshoot multiple versions of their code. Full Support for Microsoft Windows 10 x86 and x64. .NET 4.6 support across C#, VB, and web. Great for anyone evaluating or migrating to the latest Microsoft .NET applications, especially for mixed .NET plus native architectures.
2022-03-16 11:56:26 56.69MB DevPartner C++
1、下载所有压缩包分卷,用haozip解压压缩包 2、After several months of sprinting along with Microsoft's agile cadence for Visual Studio 2015, today DevPartner offers to the market DevPartner Studio 11.3. Devpartner Studio packs a set of tools together for code troubleshooting for the professional developer. The 11.3 release tackles the latest Microsoft development platform Visual Studio 2015 and Operating System Windows 10, while keeping true to its BoundsChecker roots set in native development. Full Support for Microsoft Visual Studio 2015. Great for anyone evaluating or migrating to the latest Microsoft IDE. DevPartner Studio still handles VS2005, VS2008, VS2010, VS2012 and VS2013. Both 64-bit and 32-bit applications, making it easy for developers to migrate and troubleshoot multiple versions of their code. Full Support for Microsoft Windows 10 x86 and x64. .NET 4.6 support across C#, VB, and web. Great for anyone evaluating or migrating to the latest Microsoft .NET applications, especially for mixed .NET plus native architectures.
2022-03-16 11:47:57 60MB DevPartner C++
Primo Ramdisk Professional Edition 5.3.0破解版
2022-03-14 16:52:32 1.8MB PrimoRamdiskProfessionalEdition