信息安全_数据安全_us-18-Kettle-Practical-Web-Cache 渗透测试 安全人才 大数据 web安全 信息安全
2021-08-22 22:00:59 20.48MB APT 安全分析 网络安全 安全运营
2021-08-21 14:02:13 931KB 计算机组成原理 实验报告
2021-08-21 13:01:47 3.67MB 互联网
2021-08-21 13:01:46 1.07MB 互联网
这是一个Zabbix模板+脚本,可用于监视Varnish Cache Plus实例: 将zabbix-varnish-cache.py复制到/usr/local/bin/ 。 将varnish.discovery和varnish.stats用户参数添加到Zabbix。 请注意,根据下一步中使用的XML模板,可能需​​要其他参数(例如--lite ,-- --backends等): UserParameter=varnish.discovery[*],sudo /usr/local/bin/ -i '$1' discover $2 UserParameter=varnish.stats[*],sudo /usr/local/bin/ -i '$1' stats 您必须向zabbix用户sudo授
2021-08-18 10:30:32 27KB zabbix varnish-cache zabbix-templates HTML
2021-08-16 16:20:05 2.13MB ODBC 数据库 cache cache数据库
Cache Killer(chrome刷新自动清除缓存插件)是一款每当页面刷新就会自动清除缓存数据的chrome插件,Cache Killer适用于以chrome为内核的所有浏览器,该插件能在你加载页面之前自动清除浏览器缓存,而不需要在浏览器已经比较卡的时候再去一次性长时间的清理了,另外只需在右上角插件栏点击cache killer插件图标即可禁用或使用,非常的简单和实用,需要的朋友欢迎下载使用!
2021-08-15 01:52:42 5.08MB cache axi4 verilog
A key determinant of overall system performance and power dissipation is the cache hierarchy since access to off-chip memory consumes many more cycles and energy than on-chip accesses. In addition, multi-core processors are expected to place ever higher bandwidth demands on the memory system. All these issues make it important to avoid off-chip memory access by improving the efficiency of the on-chip cache. Future multi-core processors will have many large cache banks connected by a network and shared by many cores. Hence, many important problems must be solved: cache resources must be allocated across many cores, data must be placed in cache banks that are near the accessing core, and the most important data must be identified for retention. Finally, difficulties in scaling existing technologies require adapting to and exploiting new technology constraints. The book attempts a synthesis of recent cache research that has focused on innovations for multi-core processors. It is an excellent starting point for early-stage graduate students, researchers, practitioners who wish to understand the landscape of recent cache research. The book is suitable as a reference for advanced computer architecture classes as well as for experienced researchers and VLSI engineers.
2021-08-11 22:05:36 1.53MB Multi- Comput
InterSystems公司Cache数据库的odbc驱动 假如你使用Cache数据库,又需要在windows下通过odbc连接Cache数据库,就需要安装这个Cache_odbc_driver。 有需要的自行下载
2021-08-11 12:06:26 1.62MB Cache odbc