Effective C++ 和More Effective C++ ,英文版
2021-08-17 21:39:35 1.64MB Effective C++
英文版,Effective C++,经典的C++语言解说,解压即可,不要错过~~~
2021-08-17 18:02:40 7.92MB 英文原版 Effective C++
More Effective Coroutines (MEC) is an improved implementation of coroutines. When you use Unity's built-in default coroutines you will have to be very careful about how you use them or else they will allocate memory that the garbage collector later has to clean up. This can cause your app to randomly skip frames. MEC solves that issue for coroutines, while also making coroutines more powerful by running about twice as fast as Unity's default coroutines do and providing you with a host of new options that Unity's default coroutines don't have. This is the Pro version. The free version of MEC contains the mininum set of features, whereas the Pro version contains the full set. Both versions run on the same super-fast core. Switching between MEC coroutines and Unity's default coroutines is really easy. They can even be used side by side in the same project. Advantages of MEC (both free and pro): - MEC doesn't require that your class inherit from MonoBehavior in order to run a coroutine. - Coroutines can be "tagged" with a string when created, allowing you to kill or pause coroutines individually or as a group. - MEC contains no pre-compiled DLLs, which makes debugging easier. - MEC contains useful extra segements, like SlowUpdate.
2021-08-16 14:11:03 121B
Effective STL 中文 CHM 非扫描版 Scott Meyers
2021-08-15 17:52:01 469KB Effective STL Scott Meyers
More Effective C# Second Edition 50 Specific Ways to Improve Your C# PDF & EPUB & AZW3
2021-08-13 23:35:18 59.54MB C# Effective AZW3 .NET
STL的两本好书,第一本书是Scott Meyer的《Effective STL》,本书提出的50个具体方法有助于提高你对于stl的使。《STL源码剖析》侯捷的书,是一本定位在引导学习者进行STL源码分析的著作,很有价值
2021-08-12 23:53:11 6.55MB STL
2.2 线性频调信号和解线频调处理 大时宽宽频带信号可以有许多形式,如脉冲编码等,但用得最多的是线性调频(LFM)脉冲信号。由 于线性调频信号的特殊性质,对它的处理不仅可用一般的匹配滤波方式,还可用特殊的解线频调 (Dechirping)方式来处理。 解线频调脉压方式是针对线性调频信号提出的,对不同延迟时间信号进行脉冲压缩,在一些特殊场合, 它不仅运算简单,而且可以简化设备,已广泛应用于 SAR 和 ISAR 中作脉冲压缩。应当指出,解线频调处 理和匹配滤波虽然基本原理相同,但两者还是有些差别的,为了能正确利用解线频调方式作脉冲压缩,我 们对它作一些详细的说明。 假设发射信号为 )ˆ(2 2 2 1ˆ rect),̂( ttfj p m ce T t tts γπ +         = (2.6) 其中    > ≤ = 2 1 2 1 0 1 )rect( u u u , f c 为中心频率,Tp 为脉宽, γ 为调频率, $t t mT= − 为快时间,m 为整数, T 脉冲重复周期, mTtm = 为慢时间。 解线频调是用一时间固定,而频率、调频率相同的 LFM 信号作为参考信号,用它和回波作差频处理。 设参考距离为 Rref ,则参考信号为               −+      −         − = 2 2 1 2ˆ 2 22ˆ rect),̂( c R t c R tfj ref ref mref refref c e T cRt tts γπ (2.7)
2021-08-12 20:59:28 9.09MB SAR 雷达成像 保铮
2021-08-12 19:17:10 2.41MB More_Effective_C++_
2021-08-10 22:37:30 18.9MB Effective C++
著名的《Effective C++》和《More Effective C++》不用我多说大家也知道,我把收录到一起方便大家阅读,不过前提是你要有一定的英文基础哦~~
2021-08-09 21:54:16 1.64MB c++ 国外 英文