Unity in Action. 2nd Ed, 一本关于unity开发的英文书籍,初中级
2021-12-06 18:00:53 17.77MB Unity in Action. 2nd
MyActions 自己用来签到的东东,不支持售后 更新时间:2020-8-31 18:35:00 目前已支持 以及 中京东签到的内容,优点是支持无限数量的京东cookie 使用教程 直接fork走 再在Settings-Secrets里面添加JD_COOKIE 多条cookie用&隔开,支持无数条cookie 上面三步搞定后就不用管了 刚fork完可能在Actions中看不到对应的workflow 目前已配置好自动执行时间,到了指定时间会执行,并且看到workflow Secrets全集合 JD_COOKIE 【必须】京东Cookie,必须有这个,否则全部不执行 多个账号间用&隔开,支持无数个账号签到 PUSH_KEY 【可选】服务 用于推送Cookie失效通知,同时用于推送京东农场兑换礼物通知等 BARK_PUSH 【可选】BARK这个手机APP的推送 在settings->secre
2021-12-03 16:41:48 15KB JavaScript
Summary Web Components are a standardized way to build reusable custom elements for web pages and applications using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. A Web Component is well-encapsulated, keeping its internal structure separate from other page elements so they don't collide with the rest of your code. In Web Components in Action you'll learn to design, build, and deploy reusable Web Components from scratch. Foreword by Gray Norton. Purchase of the print book includes a free eBook in PDF, Kindle, and ePub formats from Manning Publications. About the Technology The right UI can set your sites and web applications apart from the ordinary. Using the Web Components API, you can build Custom Elements and then add them to your pages with just a simple HTML tag. This standards-based design approach gives you complete control over the style and behavior of your components and makes them radically easier to build, share, and reuse between projects. About the Book Web Components in Action teaches you to build and use Web Components from the ground up. You'll start with simple components and component-based applications, using JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. Then, you'll customize them and apply best design practices to maximize reusability. Through hands-on projects, you'll learn to build production-ready Web Components for any project, including color pickers, advanced applications using 3D models, mixed reality, and machine learning. What's inside Creating reusable Custom Elements without a framework Using the Shadow DOM for ultimate component encapsulation Leveraging newer JS features to organize and reuse code Fallback strategies for using Web Components on older browsers About the Reader Written for web developers experienced with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. About the Author Ben Farrell is a Senior Experience Developer at Adobe working on the Adobe Design Prototyping Team.
2021-12-03 14:10:08 7.27MB web component
中文名: SQL Server DMVs 实战 原名: SQL Server DMVs in Action: Better Queries with Dynamic Management Views 作者: Ian W. Stirk 资源格式: PDF 版本: 英文文字版/更新源代码 出版社: Manning书号: 9781935182733发行时间: 2011年05月 地区: 美国 语言: 英文 简介: 内容介绍: SQL Server DMVs in Action shows you how to obtain, interpret, and act on the information captured by DMVs to keep your system in top shape. The over 100 code examples help you master DMVs and give you an instantly reusable SQL library. You'll also learn to use Dynamic Management Functions (DMFs), which provide further details that enable you to improve your system's performance and health. 目录: Part 1 Starting the journey Chapter 1 The Dynamic Management Views gold mine Chapter 2 Common patterns Part 2 DMV discovery Chapter 3 Index DMVs Chapter 4 Improving poor query performance Chapter 5 Further query improvements Chapter 6 Operating system DMVs Chapter 7 Common Language Runtime DMVs Chapter 8 Resolving transaction issues Chapter 9 Database-level DMVs Chapter 10 The self-healing database Chapter 11 Useful scripts
2021-11-30 01:17:51 10.12MB SQLServer DMVs
主要给大家介绍Android 广播大全 Intent Action 事件详解,涉及到android广播action 方面知识点,本文讲解的非常的全面,感兴趣的朋友一起看看吧
Node Js In Action(中文版)
2021-11-28 12:15:05 16.44MB nodejs
iDT-FV-for-action-recogniton iDT(mproved dense trajectories ) and Fisher Vector algorithm implement with C++ IDT + FisherVector编码 IDT 特征提取 IDT 的官方代码在这里 依赖的工具包是OpenCV2.4 和 ffmpeg. 然后编译产生 DenseTrack 可执行文件 然后就可以用这个可执行文件去提取自己的数据库视频特征啦。 注意的是产生的数据还是挺占存储空间的,所以最好压缩下。 举例: 我用的是NTU_RGB数据库,RGB模态的video.此数据库下的文件格式为: NTU_RGBD/nturgb+d_rgb_S001/videoname.avi 使用Linux下的shell 脚本:myIDT.sh 文件 Folder_A是我存放视频数据的路径 Fo
2021-11-27 16:28:26 3.41MB C++
乳胶作用 用法 这个GitHub Action运行latexmk可以将LaTeX文件转换为PDF。 参数:格式 指示输出格式。 该参数是可选的。 默认情况下它将是pdf 参数:文件名 表示要处理的LaTeX文件名。 该参数是可选的。 默认情况下它将是main.yml 例 --- name : CI on : [push] jobs : build-test : runs-on : ubuntu-latest steps : - uses : actions/checkout@v2 - name : Generate PDF document uses : hspaans/latexmk-action@v1.0.8 with : format : pdf filename
2021-11-27 10:24:01 5KB pdf latex document github-action
Angular in Action teaches you everything you need to build production-ready Angular applications.Thoroughly practical and packed with tricks and tips, this hands-on tutorial is perfect for web devs ready to build web applications that can handle whatever you throw at them.
2021-11-23 14:33:23 6.49MB Angular
6.2 ToolsTalk简介 ToolsTalk PF中几乎每个功能均有其自己的窗口。下图所示为ToolsTalk PF的界面,其上 设有菜单清单、选择面板、工具栏以及PF导览。 在ToolsTalk PF中,启动一个功能有多种方法。几乎所有功能均可以使用菜单列表中的菜 单项启动。点击工具栏中的符号,或者双击PF导览中的文本。 6.2.1 菜单列表 在PF菜单列表中有以下选项可用。 打开一个功能窗口时,在菜单列表中即显示一个新菜单。举例来讲,在打开一个 “Pset”窗口时,在菜单列表中即显示一个名称为“Pset”的新菜单。 菜单列表- 选择面板- 工具栏- PF导览
2021-11-23 10:03:26 4.44MB 阿特拉斯