使用详见 https://blog.csdn.net/a374682949/article/details/89529527?spm=1001.2014.3001.5502
2022-05-17 13:05:53 12.72MB GIS 地图瓦片
2022-05-16 16:04:50 43MB provisioner docker镜像
2022-05-16 16:04:40 12.18MB tomcat apache java
unlocker-v3.0.2 MacOS 解锁,支持VM 11/12/14/15 四个版本。解锁步骤查看:https://blog.csdn.net/dling8/article/details/106816828。我已经使用它成功的安装了MacOS系统了。
2022-05-14 23:40:19 12.9MB unlocker
从计算机学院入坑工学院,第一次学习Arduino+ESP8266 NodeMcu(CH340驱动版)开发板的学习 本着小白上道,才发现各种开源项目和一些包在到处割韭菜,记录一下第一次学习安装遇到的坑(本次记录所有下载链接和我上传在CSDN上的下载项目全部免费提供给大家下载)
2022-05-13 20:03:04 155.85MB Arduion ESP8266
The Access Noxim is a co-simulation platform for 3D NoC system that couples the network model, power model and thermal model. We integrate Noxim and HotSpot , and adopt the power model of Intel’s 80-core processor . Noxim is a cycle-accurate SystemC NoC simulator, and HotSpot provides the architecture-level thermal model. To coupling with HotSpot, the NoC simulator should convert its architecture-level floorplan and power trace to chip-level physical floorplan and power trace. We first add the model of basic 3D router and the DimDe router, and we extend Noxim to be able to generate 3D architectures of NoC based on user-defined parameters of dimension. Then a module is inserted for automatically converting the architecture-level floorplan to physical floorplan. During network traffic simulation, a power trace is generated based on the power model of the NoC. The power trace and physical floorplan are used as inputs of the thermal simulation. In the proposed simulator, the tile geometry and power model are based on Intel’s 80-core chip.
2022-05-13 15:27:53 159KB Access Noxim IC Lab
openssl src包,制作rpm包的源码包
2022-05-13 14:01:55 3.59MB centos linux 运维 服务器
1.适配openssl-1.0.2p qt5.12.2+vs2015的 https网页爬取测试; 2.编译麻烦;
2022-05-13 11:51:37 6.23MB openssl-1.0.2p
2022-05-12 17:38:47 727KB elecworks2.0.2破解补丁
2022-05-12 15:32:02 388.82MB jdk-10.0.2_windo