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2021-07-26 22:48:02 14.96MB 芝柯打印机
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Need fast, accurate physics? The Technie Collider Creator lets you quickly create accurate colliders for the most awkwardly shaped objects. Simple, Intuitive Workflow Just select your object and start painting what you want your physics hull to contain. Add as many hulls to an object as you need to get the accuracy your game requires. Of course, prefabs are supported! Handles Tricky Objects Because it's entirely user driven, tricky objects are no problem. Make robust colliders for hollow objects, spindly objects, arches and other awkward shapes easily. Zero Overhead No components needed in your final game - just nice accurate colliders generated in the editor for you to handle how you want. Fully Configurable Supports convex hulls, boxes and spheres for the best fit. Then rapidly set up your colliders with physics materials and triggers. New Updates! Try out our new 'Face' feature. Create solid colliders from flat faces or triangles. Great for Quads. And just added - 'Span from Selection' and 'Generate Colliders from Selection' - intelligently and very quickly generate box colliders for multiple selected objects. Perfect for rapid collision markup in levels.
2021-07-23 09:30:53 88KB collid
2021-07-18 03:52:59 2.7MB Unity Assets
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2021-07-16 13:40:52 494B 嵌入式 utelnetd
ANSI ASQ Z1.9 2003 (R 2018) ANSI ASQ Z1.9 2003 (R 2018) sampling procedures and tables for inspection by variables for percent noncon forming
2021-07-16 09:48:24 566KB ANSI ASQ Z1.9 2018
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2021-07-13 09:10:44 8.2MB vooyayuv
TCP调试助手是一款用于编辑、调试UDP/TCP网络的TCP调试软件,本工具支持TCP Server、TCP Client、UDP等通信模式,主要适用于专业的网络管理。有了它,用户就可以轻松地查看和调试当前的网络状况了。
2021-07-10 13:19:28 1.8MB tcp调试 tcp
软件介绍: 通用协议的智能云台控制软件V1.9,协议为:PELCO-D、PELCO-P,操作非常的简单。可控制云台速度、控制摄像机变倍、聚焦远近及开关光圈、开关护罩加热控制开关及雨刷开关。支持云台重启及实时回传功能,可自动计算校验位,发送十六进制数据等。
2021-07-05 13:36:28 27KB 其他资源
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2021-06-30 18:12:49 99KB 爬虫 1.9 HttpHelper 万能框架