李晓在企业邮箱收到一封邮件。;任务 导入; 一般在交易中,买家时常就产品库存、价格、尺码等问题咨询卖家。;一、针对产品库存进行咨询;一、针对产品库存进行咨询;一、针对产品库存进行咨询;一、针对产品库存进行咨询;二、针对产品价格进行咨询;知识点讲解;三、针对产品尺寸进行咨询;三、针对产品尺寸进行咨询; 本节课主要学习了针对产品库存进行咨询、针对产品价格进行咨询、针对产品尺寸进行咨询三方面内容的回复技巧。;感谢大家
2022-05-19 09:06:54 8.25MB 文档资料 综合资源 电子商务
任务导入;当客户下单后未完成付款;知识点学习;;知识点学习;;Dear customer, Half a day has passed, and we think that you probably found some other shop whose product is cheaper than ours. Our company has four-year experience of bags, shoes & accessories business in China, and we have our own factory with more than 100 employees. We will carefully examine the product again before the shipment, and try to avoid your loss. If there is quality problem, take pictures and send them to us. Once confirmed, the problem product will b
2022-05-19 09:06:53 9.11MB 文档资料 综合资源
货物发出之后,客服和顾客之间需要进一步的沟通,直到顾客收到货物为止。;发货完成后,售中客服工作人员还有哪些工作?;1.物流跟踪的作用:;; 把包裹进展情况及时告知买家,可以提高买家的购物体验。; 由于系统存在一定的延迟,因此在卖家发货后第一时间,可以通过订单页面单击客户姓名下的“Contract”按钮向客户发送发货通知。;Dear customer, The item xxx you ordered has already been shipped out and the tracking number is xxxxx. The shipping status is as follows: xxx.You will get it soon. Thanks for your support! Best regards! (Your name); 货物发出之后,有时候物流会遇到各种各样的问题,卖家需要及时与买家沟通信息,避免纠纷。; 货物若顺利运出,卖家可在关键节点及时告知买家,争取收到货物后获得好评。;;感谢大家
2022-05-19 09:06:52 8.12MB 综合资源 电子商务 跨境
处理跨境物流跟踪运输途中问题 《跨境电子商务客户服务》 情景描述 告知买家货物已发 附上快递号 以供顾客查询物流进度 物流问题! 物流跟踪主要有 、 、 三种服务。 A.货物打包 B.货物发出通知 C.货物运送问题 D.货运相关进展 任务巩固 B C D 处理跨境物流跟踪运输途中问题 任务导入 思考 知识点学习 物流信息几天内都未能及时更新,此时可以主动与买家联系,请买家耐心等待。 物流信息未及时更新 知识点学习 (1)需要主动跟客户联系,希望客户耐心等待。 (2)若未能收到货物,会重新补发或者全款退回,增加客户对卖家的信心以继续耐心等待。 货物长时间在途 知识点学习 (1)卖家需要告知买家物流的大致情况。 (2)告知买家会给他延长收货时间,请买家耐心等待,不要提交纠纷。 确认收货超时,依然未妥投 知识点学习 (1)卖家应该主动与客户沟通,告知包裹可能丢失,请客户申请退款或重新下单。 (2)若客户愿意重新下单,卖家应勇于承担责任,给予买家特别折扣和优惠。 货物丢失 知识点学习 (1)作为卖家首先要按买家的要求来选择快递公司,卖家须及时与买家沟通。 (2)更换快递公司后,还要延迟客户的收
2022-05-19 09:06:51 8.49MB 电子商务
2022-05-19 09:06:50 8.09MB 综合资源 电子商务
Dear sir/madam, We apologize for having sent you a wrong package, and promise immediately to make up for it. Firstly, we will send you the right package as soon as possible. Secondly, we will send you an xx% off discount coupon, which you can use whenever you want in our store. Could you please help to send the wrong package back after receiving it? We are responsible for the shipping payment. What do you think of the solution? If there is anything we can do for you, do not hesitate to contact u
2022-05-19 09:06:50 8.81MB 综合资源 电子商务
处理没有相应支付账号的咨询回复 《跨境电子商务客户服务》 目录 李晓在企业邮箱收到一封邮件。 情景描述 邮件的主要内容是客户对支付方式的咨询。 学习跨境交易支付方式相关知识。 任务导入 李晓接收到的邮件内容如下: Do you accept check or bank transfer? I do not have a PayPal account. 任务操作 李晓接收到的邮件内容如下: 参考译文: 你们接受支票或者银行转账吗?我没有贝宝账户。 任务操作 针对支付问题中的没有PayPal账号顾客的回复要点: 1、首先对顾客的咨询表示感谢 感谢您的咨询。 Thank you for your inquiry. 任务操作 针对支付问题中的没有PayPal账号顾客的回复要点: 2、为顾客推荐使用PayPal 为了简化流程,我建议您通过贝宝支付。正如您所知,兑现一张国际支票至少需要2-3个月,那么交易和运输上势必花费太多的时间。 诚实守信的品质。 任务操作 针对支付问题中的没有PayPal账号顾客的回复要点: 2、为顾客推荐使用PayPal For the sake of simplifyin
2022-05-19 09:06:49 8.21MB 文档资料 电子商务
Dear sir/madam, Thank you for your order. Shipping address for your order can only be changed prior to your package unshipped. Due to our high efficiency, I am afraid that your package has been shipped yesterday by e-Packet and the shipping address cannot be changed. So please check your package in time in case of losing. Maybe you can ask for your friend or neighbor to help. Hope everything will be fine. Best wishes, (Your name);Dear sir/madam, See your information, we are very sad. It is what
2022-05-19 09:06:48 8.53MB 综合资源 电子商务
;Dear sir/madam, Thank you for your order. Shipping address for your order can only be changed prior to your package unshipped. Due to our high efficiency, I am afraid that your package has been shipped yesterday by e-Packet and the shipping address cannot be changed. So please check your package in time in case of losing. Maybe you can ask for your friend or neighbor to help. Hope everything will be fine. Best wishes, (Your name);Dear sir/madam, See your information, we are very sad. It is what
2022-05-19 09:06:47 12.14MB 综合资源 文档资料
Dear sir/madam, We have kept a close eye on your order, and we are sorry to see that your package has been kept at Guangzhou Customs for several days, which needs customs clearance. Could you please do us a favor to solve the problem? According to Amazon requirements and customs rules, you are supposed to clear customs with the valid 18- character Citizen ID Number of the recipient written on the package. We hope you will get your package soon. If there is anything we can do for you, feel free t
2022-05-19 09:06:46 8.71MB 综合资源 电子商务